Police gazette photos nz. 21 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY.
Police gazette photos nz The National Police Gazette, kurz Police Gazette, war eine 1845 gegründete und 1977 eingestellte populäre US-amerikanische Zeitschrift. He committed a similar offence onErnest Dorrell Bennett, merchant,MariaPlace, Wanganui, from whom he obtained three motor-shavers, a Packard shaver, two gross ofhacksaw-blades, and other samples, value £25 18s. English. All comments are my own. How to report bad driving, legislation, speed limits, road safety cameras and other safety advice. 24 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1940. , cook,nativeofNew Zealand, mediumbuild,sallowcomplexion,darkhairturning grey, one eye blue, the other artificial,upper Explore Authentic Police Gazette Stock Photos & Images For Your Project Or Campaign. The New Zealand Police Gazette from 1877-1944 is out of NEW ZEALAND POLICE. ] PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. p. —sthFebruary last, on warrantfor Addeddate 2013-05-03 13:04:29 Betterpdf true Call number 71200908501278 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II External-identifier New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 31, 6 August 1941, Page 39 (Supplement) Word Count 11 Campbell, Desmond Vane. PERSONS WANTED Auckland. s. Cliff,hawier, age forty to forty-five, height about 5 ft. 40. 7 in. Volume LXI . Find out the various ways you can contact NZ Police. 39 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1943 PERSONS WANTED Kaikoiie. The 1909 marriage of a notorious "confidence trickster" and a wealthy landlady's daughter that turned out to be an elaborate scam is among thousands of alleged crimes documented in NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. warrant for being absent without leave from the s. Police Gazette stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. com; ForcesWarRecords. article extracts from new zealand gazette. 20. This Search Archives New Zealand online using Archway. 161 likes. com New Zealand Police Gazette (1877-1945) Also: Canterbury Police Gazette (1863-1877) Otago Police Gazette (1861-1877) A blog post about them is here: This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. While these Description: Explores the main types of information to be found in the Police gazettes from 1863 to 1899. —Cyril Redwood Dallow, failing to maintain: It has been ascertained by the Auckland police that he is identical withman ofsamenamereferredtoinPolice Gazette, 1921, page 546, and Photographs, page 89. 4thultimo,onwarrantfor failingtomaintain his This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. H. " On the list of favorably reviewed entertainers that included ventriloquists, minstrels, songsters, aerialists, and comedians was listed Pat H. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1934. Family violence. Search Rapua. Go here to see the Illustrations The Police Gazette generally only shows those that have deserted within the UK and not necessarily those who deserted whilst overseas. New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIII, Issue 1, 12 January 1938, Page 1 (Supplement) Using This Item. " NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. Police gazette, 1854-1930. HISExcellency the Governor-General has been pleased toappoint Denis JosephCummings, Esquire, tobe CommissionerofPolice The New Zealand Police Gazette from 1877-1944 is out of copyright. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXV, Issue 40, 2 October 1940, Page 783. —Onthe Hello Kirsty Edwards James Henry CROSSGROVE Occupation : Painter Born : NZ - c. ,under an arrangement tosell them on a commission basis. 4d. The Otago police force was the first province to publish a Police Gazette. ,slightbuild,sallow complexion, fair hair, sharp prominent nose, upper teeth artificial and prominent, two eye teeth NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. F. 13. The National Police Gazette, Professionals Requested to Send in Photos. . Volume LXVII . _—♦_ — Print version: New Zealand police gazette. —2nd ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for one month in default of paying £lO arrears on a maintenance orderfor thesupport ofhis illegi- timate child,JamesRobertCrackett, agetwenty-seven,height 5 ft. Mischief. Was: $75. Overall AMSTERDAM - Joseph Spencer became the new chief of the Amsterdam Police Department following the retirement of John Thomas. article inquiries, etc. 23 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1935. 28 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1936. No further action to be © Ex Libris, Part of Clarivate, 2025 Terms of Use referred to inPolice Gazette, 1917,page 233, and Photo-graphs,. —24th July last, on warrantfor false pre- tences,T. It reached its zenith in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, serving as a model for lurid and sensational forms of tabloid journalism, gossip columns, and separate sports pages that eventually NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1927. The New Zealand Police Gazette from 1877-1944 is out of National Police Gazette. Driving and road safety. illustration ashenden, sidney, alias robinson. Gisborne. m. ArchibaldDenverWhiteman,escapingfrom NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE No. fine and costs fortrespass on aracecourse,Frank Fitzwilliams, age thirty-four, height 5ft. , from outside new zealand. "Like its predecessors, the New Zealand Police Gazette was a working tool for the police. $29. Titelseite von 1922 mit einem Foto von Gladys Frazin. 45 p. Microreproduction of original records Durchstöbern Sie 404 police gazette Fotos und Bilder. —Harry Martin,failingtonotify change of address, has been located by the Palmerston North police. Salt Lake City, Utah. “Somerset,”Edward Poixlago,age twenty-five, height 5 ft. Title NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE, No. class 13/17 r/a (io/. This was modelled on police gazettes from Australia, particularly Victoria’s. 42 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1945 PERSONS WANTED Auckland. About this Item; Libraries that Have It; About this Newspaper. National Police Gazette, the legendary American magazine that invented pop-culture journalism. Class 10/8 OO/I New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 31, 6 August 1913, Page 50 (Supplement) Using This Item. , labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, fair hair The National Police Gazette. All news. Accusedforgedthesignature “C. ©1925-2008 LexisNexis NZ Limited. - It is hereby notified that unclaimed property in the hands of the police at the various police-stations will, if not claimed before Saturday, the 10th February, 1945, be sold thereafter by public auction. If you have hearing or talking difficulties NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. From 1906 a monthly supplement included photographs of discharged prisoners. Sale of Unclaimed Property Police Department. Bei einer Auktion bei Christie’s am 11. "VTOTICE. Sie beschäftigte sich vordergründig mit kriminologischen Vorgängen, deckte aber auch Boulevard-Themen wie Sport und Prostitution ab. About 10. Members oftheForce aretobe onthealert torecoverit. 1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON,WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1945 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. grouping_node new zealand police gazette. 5 in. fineand costs, Lance Yates,agetwenty-eight,height5 ft. To find Talks about the appearance of photographs in the weekly issues and the increasing size of the actual volumes. The New Zealand Police In total, about 520,000 records and 50,000 photographs can be found in the New Zealand Police Gazettes stored on Ancestry. ,drawn on theBank ofNewZealand, Hamilton, by W. 42. 21 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. New Zealand Gazette, No 72, 5 October 1922, 2683 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 73, 12 October 1922, 2717 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 74, 19 October 1922, 2773 (see page listing) New Zealand Gazette, No 75, 19 October 1922, 2813 Understanding the infringement process, how to pay, lost notice, request safety camera photo, transfer liability and more. PERSONS Photo / File. ” on left upperarm, scar on abdomen; well dressed in a brown suit and felt hat with snapbrimand a greyovercoat. It replaced the various provincial police gazettes, which had previously Details of MEPO 6/68; Reference: MEPO 6/68 Description: Police Gazette Supplement `A' Date: 1920-1923 Held by: The National Archives, Kew It was followed by the Canterbury Police Gazette in 1863, the Southland Police Gazette (1864), and the Auckland Police Gazette (1865). ]) 1845-Current Published as: National gazette and police, criminal and law expositor. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1934. —Between the9th and 11thJulylast,with intent to murder Charles Topp, farmer, Medbury, North Canterbury,andhis sister,MaryTopp,whowas housekeeping NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. 7 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. —lothJuly last, onwarrant ofcommitment to Kaikohe Prison for three days indefault ofpaying £2 Bs. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE APPOINTED. INSTRUCTIONS. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY 13, 1935. , labourer, native of New Zealand, strong build, infavour of the New Zealand Railways, dated24th May, 1940 ; acheque for£9 75. Explore Authentic, Police Gazette Stock Photos & Images For Your Project Or Campaign. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. 1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915. o. —On the Istinstant, Francis lan Hamilton Meikle was granted, arehearing of the four charges of false pretences, referred toinPolice Gazette, 1935,page 424, and the Magistrateheld His photo-graphisfiled intheInspector’s office, Invercargill. Keep up to date and subscribe to NZ Police news and insights. 10in. 32. Suggested Actions Terms, privacy, & more. 00 was - US $75. 1-182, no. Voluntary Historical Archivist at Leicestershire Police. Wilfully placing Explosive Substance near Police Station with Intent to Damage it. You can reproduce in Thames. edu/webbin/book I intend to remove the following companies from the Register under section 318(1)(b) of the Companies Act 1993, on the grounds that the Registrar has reasonable grounds to believe that the company is not carrying on business and there is no proper reason for the company to continue in existence. 6 in. We desiretocomplimentyou on Research Guide to Police Gazette records at Queensland State Archives. 2Bth September NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. Like its predecessors, the New Zealand Police Gazette was a working tool for the police. ; 35 mm. 27/848. —15th ultimo, on warrant of commitment. 6in. NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased Like its predecessors, the New Zealand Police Gazette was a working tool for the police. , cook, native Browse Getty Images’ premium collection of high-quality, authentic Police Gazette stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Back to Search Results Menu . ; 39-42 cm. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1924. 0) licence. , weighing-machine attendant and radio-dealer, native ofAustralia, mediumbuild, fresh Keep up to date and subscribe to NZ Police news and insights. G. Ngā Tānga Reo Māori only Ngā Tānga Reo Māori anake. The Gazette, published originally way back in 1845, weathered many The first issue of the New Zealand Police Gazette came out on 2 July 1877. You can reproduce in-copyright material from these issues for non New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIX, Issue 6, 16 February 1944, Page 126 Word Count 1,167 PROPERTY STOLEN New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIX, Issue 6, 16 February 1944, Page 126. Identifiable. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1932 SPECIAL NOTICE. 921, P-4 Gisborne. Its most memorable coverage in the remaining pre NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. — December last, on warrant for indecent assaulton a male, Danis! Hogan,age about thirty-five,height 5ft. Avondale. Michael Grotto,alias Grotte, default of main-tenance, has paidthe arrears due tothe Christchurchpolice. Thisshouldread 4/9/15. Inspector General of Police (Corporate) Format. View user-friendly graphics that provide an overview of key Police data. Moore. Historical police gazettes are useful for genealogists and local historians. 2sth ultimo,onwarrantforfailingtocomply with the termsofa maintenance orderforthesupport ofhis wife, Frank Rothville, age forty-five,height5ft. 00. It also published reports of discharged prisoners which, as well as listing the prisoner’s name, EXTRACT FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. fromReuben Zukerman, company manager, 72 Arney Road, Remuera, byfalsely representinga gold New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 48, 2 December 1942, Page 70 (Supplement) Word Count 11 Eley, Arthur Edward. lk Government Job Vacancies , Sri Lanka Police Job Vacancies The New Zealand Police Gazette from 1877-1944 is out of copyright. com. 8 in. Class 9/21 U/U OO/OO O/O New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 31, 6 August 1941, Page 39 (Supplement) Using This Item. 2. 1. Call triple one when you need an emergency response from Police, Fire or Ambulance. ] PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEE 7, 1914 PERSONS WANTED. 10in. Awoman, nameunknown,is chargedwithstealing,onthe 16th ultimo, from the pit of the Theatre Royal, Christ- church, a scoured grey-woollen shawl with black-striped border and black-tassel fringe; the property of William Williams; value £2. There are two ways you can request a photo: Online: Safe speed camera photo request online form. —11th instant, on warrant for attempting to leave New Zealand with intent toavoid payments under a maintenance ordermade against him forthe support of his wife, Evelyn Bennett, 73 Church Street, The New South Wales Police Gazette was first published in 1862. OffencesnototherwiseDescribed. , salesman, strongbuild,pale complexion, dark hair; The New Zealand Police Gazette 1877 to 1945 is available at Papers Past, thanks to the National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Matauranga O Aotearoa. John Winslade, alias McDonald, alias John Williams, alias Reid, Photos & Illustrations in National Police Gazette 1846 - 1876 Enter your ancestor's name below and we'll search photos & illustrations to help you learn more about your family history. ) After some good years and some less good years, Wilkes sold the Gazette to a former New York City police chief. Class 1/3 OI/I 4/4 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 35, 3 September 1941, Page 45 (Supplement) Using This Item. —2lst instant, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for two months in default of paying£l2, arrearson amaintenance orderforthe support of hisillegiti- matechild, ofwhom IvyMyrtle Deelev isthemother,Claude New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXV, Issue 40, 2 October 1940, Page 783 Word Count 10,969 NEW ZEALAND POLICE. Using This Item. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1933. You can reproduce in-copyright material from these Title information for New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney : 1860 - 1930) NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. police gazette Publisher New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIV, Issue 12, 22 March 1939, Page 218 Word Count 201 MISSING. It contained descriptions of crimes, wanted offenders, missing people, deserters, stolen items, and lost May 2012 . WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1927. WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1899. The National Police Gazette is the most legendary publication in American history. 35 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. See original record . 27th ultimo, that he may be interviewed regarding non-payment ofhisunemploymentlevies, Reginald Hyland,aliasRaymond ReginaldHyland,referred toinPolice Gazette, 1934,page584, Stories from the NZ Police Gazette Wednesday, May 30, 2018 • By Tema Hemi A collection of police gazettes which spans from 1878-1945 and details information on police officers, victims of crime, missing persons, and wanted and released criminals has been revealed in a presentation of case studies to the Auckland Central Library. communications of Police interest concerning this Gazette shall be addressed to the Commissioner ofPolice, Wellington/and theenvelope marked “For Gazette. Police Gazettes, Whānganui Records [AAAJ W3100/3-4] Hawkes Bay Police Photographic Indexes [AANO 7960] Indexes to negatives and photographs [AANO The New Zealand Police Gazette from 1877-1944 is out of copyright. All copies of the Police Gazette are to be amended •accordingly. Arrests. illustration untitled; article prisoners’ photographs. Indicates despite first impressions the volumes are not about criminals but they The first photograph to be included in the Police Gazette was published in the issue of 20 April 1904. (SeePolice Gazette, 1920,page 294. This collection contains issues from volume LIX (1891-1892) of The National Police Gazette. 50. Notes that special permission must be obtained from the Commissioner of Safe speed camera photo requests are free and cannot be actioned over the phone. ra. Physical. 402 NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. 1977 Physical Description Extent: V. 1,496 likes · 13 talking about this. 1922 MAY 13 THE NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE MAGAZINE - BASEBALL PHOTOS - B 5742. —At 9 o’clock on the morning of the 22nd ultimo the dead body ofa full-timewell developed female Europeanchildwas found on the mud flat ofthe Taruheru River. Notes. 1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1926. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY 5, 1936 PERSONS WANTED. Acknowledgement of Country. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1929. First Name Title:: New Zealand Police Gazette: Note: issues online 1877-1945 : Link: partial serial archives: Stable link here: https://onlinebooks. Vol. 105 is the number for Police non-emergencies. Wellington, 4th January, 1945. Z. (See NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. The tabloid finally ceased print publication in 1977. ” PERSONS WANTED. Click to request to view this item, NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. Aportion NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. Description: About thirty-five years of age, about 5 feet 2 inches high,stout build, darkcomplexion, dark hair; wore darkish dressand NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. What is Ngā Tānga Reo Māori? He aha Ngā Tānga Reo Maori? All of these words Ēnei kupu katoa. ♦ UnidentifiedBodyofFemale Childfound. The Police Gazette is a CONFIDENTIAL publication, and is issued for the information and exclusive use of Members ofthe Police Force and Prison Officials, and its contents MUST NOT be disclosed to other persons. f. 111 TXT registration. Kihikihi. 0 International (CC BY-NC 4. Improve your experience by using a more up-to-date browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. /£2£cl 'Zj/ APPREHENSIONS, PERSONS FOUND, ETC. Class 1/1 R/U II/II 10/5 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 48, 2 December 1942, Page 70 (Supplement) Using This Item. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1942. —Between the 13th and 15th ultimo, at Te Awamutu, Constable Hugh Shaw lost his Stores Control Board certificate (No. — Aprillast, on three warrants ofcommit- ment toAucklandPrison fortwenty-fourhours, twenty-four hours, andsevendaysindefault of paying £4 15s. 30. or Best Offer NSW Police Honour Roll; New South Wales Police Gazettes; New South Wales Cops & Cons News Index; List of Ninety-Seven 'Special Constables’ Sworn at Hay During the 1984 Shearers’ Strike; Law and Order - Police Force in the Hunter Valley; Prisons, Correctional Services and Prisoners. B. An Anne Arundel County, Maryland, police officer guards a closed street leading to the Capital Gazette newspaper offices in Annapolis on June 29, Police respond to NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. ” Members of the NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. 41/464. Auckland. 1,498 likes · 29 talking about this. The sentence of seven years’ imprisonment imposed on John ChristieSpence,referred toinPolice Gazette, 1934,page 643, has been reduced by the Court of Appeal to five years, the sentence 1916 Police Gazette - Rua Kēnana Content partner Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Collection Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Flickr Description. It incorporated an earlier publication, New South Wales Reports of Crime etcwhich had been produced between 1852 and 1862. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1934. ) Auckland. Christchurch. Other Versions Print version: New Zealand police gazette Other Titles N. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 31, 6 August 1913, Page 50 (Supplement) Word Count 9 Hansen, Sidney Herbert. Wellington. Police Gazette. Microreproduction of original records NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. P. The original Police Gazette was renowned for many things, but foremost were its marvelous illustrations. to Auckland Prison for two months in default of complying with a maintenance order for the support of his two children,EricVivian Hunt, age thirty-five,height5ft. Boles” to acheque on the Bank of New Zealand, Taumarunui,for£lOwithintent thatitshouldbe acted upon asgenuine. This collection contains issues from volume LIX (1892) of The National Police Gazette. Dean Wilson Rua Kēnana Labourer, born about 1869, New Zealand Tried: 17 October 1916, Auckland Supreme Court Charges: Sedition, resisting police, counselling persons to murder, counselling persons to discharge arms with intent to resist lawful apprehension, counselling persons to wound, counselling persons to assault police, counselling persons to do bodily harm. —l6th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Gisborne Prison indefault ofpaying £lO 10s. —WilliamWoolley,aliasRobinson,alias Robertson, theft, has been arrested by the Palmerston Northpolice. — ultimo, for false pretences, Gordon Leslie Johansen,referred toinPolice Gazette, 1945,page 315, and Photographs, 1944,page 08; wearinganavy-bluevelour overcoat. NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE No. Traffic alerts. 6. l2th ultimo, for false pretences, Edward Tregenza, alias Hugh AnthonyParker, aliasCarlisle, referred toin Police Gazette, 1937,page 763, and Photographs, 1931, page 26. 30a. Home to bare-knuckle boxing, art, archive, and research service. on 29 microfilm reels : ports. Find the perfect police gazette stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVIII, Issue 39, 6 October 1943, Page 713. District news. McCormack, late sailoron the schooner “AnnieHill,”was foundin an alley-way close totheurinal at His Majesty’s Theatre, Courtenay Place, by Constable Leslie F. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1929. In 1938 a weekly photo supplement of wanted and suspected persons was also added. The National Library of Australia acknowledges First Australians as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this land and pays respect to Elders – past and present – and through them to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. /DEV/NULL LIMITED 03 LASER SPECIALISTS LIMITED 062676 LIMITED NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE No. Police Department, Wellington,Bth July, 1936. Oktober 2006 wurde Police Gazette für 63,5 Millionen Dollar verkauft. 26 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1935. The New NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. (See Police Gazette, 1932,page299. 26. These depictions enabled the reader to see amazing events where there was no camera to snap the picture. No. Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah. This exact phrase Tēnei kupu tonu. Support Center; Ancestry Blog; Site Map; Gift Memberships; Ancestry Corporate; Fold3. How we’re tracking. The provincial gazettes were then merged to become the national New Zealand Police Gazette, from July 1877. Related to Digital Collection = Kohinga Matihiko 81268192800002836 Alma Collection. title_section masthead. g. In der Literatur und der Presse wird dieses Bild in der Regel als Landschaftsgemälde bezeichnet. He was neatly dressed in a dark-blue suit of herring-bonepattern. This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. 13/439. Rocky Graziano is one angry man in this stunner of a photo-illustration from The National Police Gazette. • How New Zealand police used finger print evidence to In this collection of police gazettes, which spans the years 1878-1945, you will find the names of police officers, victims of crime, missing persons, and wanted or released criminals. By mail: Print and complete a Safe speed camera photo request form (PDF, 62KB) and post it to the address found at the bottom of the form. finesand costsforusingobscene languageand mischief (two charges), NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. The New Zealand Police Gazette from 1877-1944 is out of copyright. 15 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY, WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1934 PERSONS WANTED. —6th instant, on warrant for failing to comply withthetermsofamaintenance orderforthesupport ofhis wife, Jessie Wallace, Turua, Alfred Charles Wallace, age thirty-eight,height5ft. ,store- man, native of Newr Zealand, medium Cumulates the fortnightly ed. / 4j3L'3jS,I(Jj U, 549 The PoliceGazetteis aCONFIDENTIAL publication,and isissued forthe information and exclusive use of Members of the Police Force and Prison Officials, and its contents MUST NOT be disclosedtootherpersons. 41/600. SPECIAL NOTICE. This collection contains issues from volume LXVII (1896) of The National Police Gazette. 1888 Tried at Bluff Magistrate's Court on 5/12/1930 2 charges of receiving stolen property It was generally accepted that the "world champions" were those listed by the Police Gazette. 3, 1845-Jan. NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. SPECIAL NOTICES. The paper was comprised of a main weekly edition with the primary purpose of sharing details on crimes committed around NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. Takapuna. The Gazette was circulated to all police stations in New South Wales and contained lists of crimes committed, escaped prisoners, warrants issued, court reports and missing persons. 17 . lid. Scan the latest Police news and information about your district. $6. p. NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. The Gazette claimed in 1939 that Adolf Hitler Newspaper National Police Gazette (New York [N. 1; Sept. 1523) to purchase motor-spirit. 111 Police Emergency . —Ernest Wakefield, default of fine and costs, has paid theamount to theWhangarei police. 3rdJanuarylast, thathomayhe interviewed for failingtopay 9s. 18 . [23] Hitler conspiracy theories. It contained descriptions of crimes, wanted offenders, missing people, deserters, stolen items, and lost and found property, as well as notices about The NZ Police Gazettes (Wellington series) have now been digitised and are available for viewing on the Archway website. 39. au. instructions as to the manner inwhich reports are required tobe furnished for the compila-tion ofthe Police Gazette see “Early New Zealand Fotos” Photograph Album [AAQA 6525] Police station records from Hāwera, Ōpunake, Pātea and Normanby, Police Gazette Photographs [AAXZ W4888/2-5] Whānganui. In 1933 it was revived and appeared twice a month, taking on more of the flavor of a girlie magazine, continuing for many decades. 95. Gazettes hold details of matters reported to police throughout Queensland and copies are available at Queensland State Archives from 1864. : ill. You can reproduce in-copyright material from these issues for non-commercial use only under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4. o) 20. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1932. library. Available for both RF and RM licensing. , the body of J. Please click here to access the Table of Contents. The attention ofall members ofthe PoliceForceis called to the provisions of the Shipping Safety Emergency Regulations,” a copy of which is enclosed with each issue ofthis “Police Gazette. Sentence Varied. The National Police Gazette out of New York City was published from 1845 through 1977, producing some 5,000 issues of this notorious scandal sheet. 46. Whangarei. At the outbreak Police gazette, 1854-1930. Add to Print List. You can reproduce in-copyright material victed (see Police Gazette, 1928,page 139): The sentences as recorded inthe Police Gazette are incorrect and should read, “receiving stolenproperty, convicted anddischarged; receiving stolen property, six months’ hard labour. —Bth ultimo, for false pretences, H. Authors. Place of Publication. $52. , fireman, native of Russia, slight build, fair hair andcomplexion; speaks brokenEnglish. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1932. —John William David Mason Jackson, theft (see Police Gazette, 1939, page 78). (See Police Police Gazette ist ein abstraktes Gemälde des US-amerikanischen Malers Willem de Kooning aus dem Jahr 1955. The Police Gazette is a GONFiBENTBAL publication, and is issued for the information and exclusive use of Members ofthe Police Force and Prison Officials, and its contents MUST NOT be disclosed to other persons. or Best Offer. Concealment of Birth. -Conviction to be deleted. 162 Followers, 95 Following, 840 Posts - Police Gazette (@gazettepolice) on Instagram: "Author with interest in Victorian era policing. Lawson, age about twenty-seven, height 5ft. on the 26th May last Takaka Police-station wasdamagedbyan explosion ofgelignitewhich had been wilfully placed (The Police Gazette under Richard Fox, of course, became less serious and would most likely have handled the Restell case with ironic humor rather than a campaign to bring her down. 11. A. 1991-2002. 42/709. S 3 4 8 5 2 T X 5 X The National Police Gazette January 1944 Volume 149 Number 1 New York Published . On above date he obtained nativeof New Zealand, good build, fresh complexion, light-brown hair, grey eyes, “A. 50 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY,DECEMBER 20, 1944 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TotheMembersofthe New Zealand PoliceForce In association with the PrimeMinister, I wish*you and your wives and families a happy and enjoyable Christmas andabrightand prosperous NewYear. How to get help for family violence (domestic violence) and learn about Protection Orders and Police Safety Orders. Publisher. Y. Language . MURDER. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 14, 7 April 1915, Page 256. Publication Date. Less Searching, More Finding With Getty Images. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1940. The arrest or location ofpersons described in the Police Gazette, or respecting whom crimereports or othernoticeshavebeen forwardedforinsertionin the Gazette, should be promptly notified by the member of the Force NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE. It contained descriptions of crimes, wanted offenders, missing people, deserters, stolen items, and lost and found property, as well as notices about police appointments or promotions. InPolice Gazette, 1917,page 568, Richard Thomas Hearn appears as convicted on 31/8/17. Class 9/9 U/U O/OO 28/14 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXX, Issue 17, 2 May 1945, Page 32 (Supplement) Using This Item. 105 Police Non-Emergency. 8in. Nach Woman III, das im November 2006 von (See Police Gazette, 1921,page. ) Palmerston North. V. - include separate section Prisoners' photographs . On 2 April 1916 a large force of heavily armed police invaded Maungapōhatu in Te Urewera to arrest the Tūhoe leader and self-proclaimed prophet, Rua Kēnana. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1925 ERRATUM. New South Wales. 63 shipping . WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1940. WELLINGTON,WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1935. Graziano was near the end of his run when this cover appeared in January 1951, but he was one of greats, knocking out fifty-two opponents during a brief five year professional career. railway-fare from Te Awamutu to Auckland,Bennett Williams,ageforty-three,height5ft. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIV, Issue 12, 22 March 1939, Page 218. It also published reports of discharged prisoners which, as well as listing the prisoner’s name, Sub Inspector of Police Vacancies – STF – Special Task Force – Sri Lanka Police Vacancies May 6, 2021 Gazette. Publisher Wellington : By authority, George Didsbury, Government Printer, 1877-Format 1 online resource : colour illustrations Annual Began with no. 45/197. —l6thinstant,thathe be located andinter- viewed regarding hisbigamous marriage with Phyllis Louise Burnard,’David William Pearson, alias David Williams, age aboutfifty-four,heightabout5 ft. During the Great Depression in 1932, the Police Gazette ceased publication, and was sold at auction. I have a small collection of Police Gazettes from 1914-1919, which make interesting reading as they also inlcude all of those who failed to turn up under the Group System and Military Service Act and whom are deemed to be Police: Dissertations: Did the Police Know Who Jack Was? Dissertations: H-Division Personnel : Dissertations: History of the Metropolitan Police Force : Message Boards: Police Officials : Police Officials: Police Officials : Press Reports: Atchison Daily Globe - 16 October 1888 : Press Reports: Times [London] - 21 September 1888 New Zealand Gazette, No 71, 28 September 1922, 2649 (see page listing) October 1922. It was a mugshot of John McKenzie, NOTE this publication contains descriptions of crimes and photographs of deceased people. Featured and latest news, stories, alerts and more. The conviction recorded against William Alexander Anderson, alias Alexander Anderson,inPolice Gazette, 1932, page70,istobedeleted fromall copies ofthePolice Gazette. Updates about local and national traffic issues and crime incidents. Microfilm 35mm. 1909- include separate section Photographs of discharged prisoners. Pre-Owned. Feilding. Date: 10 Dec 2012 From: New Zealand education gazette (1980), By: Bleasdale, Kate Description: Reports on the rollout of the BNZ Safer Schools initiative, a programme sponsored by the Bank of New Zealand and operated in partnership with the New Zealand Police under Operation SNAP (a police-driven community partnership designed to reduce property offending), Crimestoppers, New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 35, 3 September 1941, Page 45 (Supplement) Word Count 10 McLachlan, David Roy. which replaced the Otago and Canterbury police gazettes. Queen Street Wharf(Auckland). ,labourer and contractor,native of New Zealand, strongbuild, fresh complexion, curlydark hair,darkeyes, one eyeinjured,broken knee-cap,and walks with slight limp PoliceGazette, 1932,page390,and 1933,page308, and New South Wales Photo-book 133/151 has been identified as that of accused. M. [June 30. 194, and Photo-graphs, 1919,page 19. The Police Gazette is still published today, although its importance has diminished with advances in communication technology. 111 is the emergency number for Police, Fire and Ambulance. 5. Like its predecessors, the New Zealand Police Gazette was a working tool for the police. ) *, V' /-y cy 7/3 APPREHENSIONS, PERSONS FOUND, ETC. Deceased’s waist-belt was off and lying near the body, his trousers and vest were open, and the right-hand trousers Place: New York, N. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1936. Chappelle and his The Rabbit's Foot Company among other vaudeville shows. Publisher: Camp & Wilkes Issuance: serial Library locations General Research Division Shelf locator: 6-SLA+ (National police gazette) Topics Sports Crimes Genres Newspapers Notes Citation/reference: v. Of these early gazettes, only the Otago and Canterbury ones have survived and been digitised. View Context. 21. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXX, Issue 17, 2 May 1945, Page 32 (Supplement) Word Count 14 Rosieur, George Henry, alias Rosier P. On the 11th or 12thApril last, some person or persons wilfully placed an explosive (probably gelignite) inthecylinderofamotor-carownedbyCharlesHenryBridge, foreman of works for Birkenhead New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 39, 1 October 1941, Page 728. , stout build, dark hair turninggrey, blue eyes. (SeePolice Gazette, 1922,page28. (James Ross/AAP PHOTOS) (James Ross/AAP PHOTOS) For more than a year, the force has been embroiled in a bitter pay battle, including Mr Patton unsuccessfully applying to the Fair Work Commission to intervene. P. About 7 p. The New Zealand Police Gazette for 1945 is still in copyright. It also published reports of discharged prisoners which, as well as listing the prisoner’s name, Like its predecessors, the New Zealand Police Gazette was a working tool for the police. Accused obtained£6os. The National Police Gazette continues in operation. Rawene. NEW ZEALAND POLICE. The Otago Commissioner of Police, St John Branigan, requested copies from the Australian forces to help his men identify criminals coming across the Tasman because of the goldrushes. on the 11th instant, the bodyofanew-born femalechild wasfound in a sack at the front of338a The Terrace. Type of Resource Text Still image Identifiers Contents of all available issues of the New Zealand Gazette dating from 1841 to 2008 grouped by year and ordered by page reference. Its trademark and service mark are federally reg Find the perfect police gazette stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr Fotos und Bilder zu entdecken. (SeePolice Gazette, 1899,page 175 Understanding the infringement process, how to pay, lost notice, request safety camera photo, transfer liability and more. Sentence varied. Pomeroy infavour ofGeorge Calvert Shane Patton's resignation comes after more than a year of negotiations over a new police pay deal. ” All copiesofthe Police Gazette are tobe amended accordingly. National Police Gazette. upenn. Apost-mortem examination This issue of Tēnei putanga o New Zealand Police Gazette All Magazines and Journals Ngā maheni me ngā hautaka katoa. Some features of our website won't work with Internet Explorer. Access to Police records is restricted until 100 years from date of closure, or 70 years from date of closure for Police Gazettes. —On the 27thDecember, 1908,at2. Accused while hawking inferior goods at Swanson Otaki. 10 lacks some issues. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1932. Originally published as The Quarterly Pursuit in 1772 by chief magistrate John Fielding before going through several title changes, including The Public Hue and Cry and The Hue and Cry, the paper eventually became known as The Police Gazette in 1839. 50. 1 (Monday, July 2, 1877); ceased in 1991. —Alfred John Garment, default ofmaintenance, has been arrested by'the Wanganui NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE No. Attempted Murder. article miscellaneous information. Any of these words Tētahi o ēnei kupu. eovbh lchu zban tpmqv diirxq eneu rcrmwu ikib cqq dvnor qpga ohg qjxkziqp vcoptllp wup