Aita for taking money from the dress budget reddit

Aita for taking money from the dress budget reddit. true. Maybe one of those cash app cards will work. AITA FOR NOT INCLUDING MY SISTER IN WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING. That was my first thought. I was shocked and refused. You're an adult. Lucky_Reality9703. She won't. This will in no way affect our budget for anything other than our own personal side projects and hobbies. It doesn't sound like you're throwing your atheism in their faces, so, as long as both parties are getting what they need from the arrangement it seems fine to me. I figured my mom would offer to pay for my dress but I didn’t ask and it wasn’t expected. When we got married we paid for everything and worked within our budget. Wedding planning has so far been going alright except for few things he and I argued about like the venue and flower girl. So I took $350 from my account and I took $250 from the money I was going to deposit into her personal account for December and I got my new computer. My parents for years cancel on me last min because of my sister. It's been a long time, and a lot of things have happened. (This isn’t counting shoes, accessories, etc. This also doesn't sound like adult communication. OP - Do NOT budge. Again, from how I've read it he fronted the money to pay for it so now he gets the $10,000. So i was coming back from university when I ran into a beggar standing by the street crossing. Not if the dad already paid this year's expenses out of his money for his family budget. If the scholarship had to come in before he paid the expenses for this year It would have gone straight to the school and Dad would have paid $10,000 less. AITA for taking my money back from a beggar after she said i gave her too little? Not the A-hole. Extra fabric costs more money and that increases the labor prices. There was no requirement that we'll give you the money for A, B or C but ONLY if you include your mother's dress in your wedding. 1. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Then tell him to either return the money for the dress, immediately, or you'll file a police report for the theft of the dress. However, my brother "Steve" (25M) is marrying his girlfriend "Natalie" (26F) of 4 years later in the fall. NTA-Dresses can become a biggie for middle school age kids, but thankfully there are places that have reasonable pricing for dresses. She fell in love with this designer gown – we're talking thousands of Any traditional wedding dress at a real bridal shop, even a chain one, is going to be well more than OP's $50-100 budget. A few months and a bunch of drama not relevant to this story later, she picks out a dress that is $100 over my budget. She wore it to dinner that night, and when she told her mom I bought it for her my wife gave me a weird look. Your cousin is being a maid-of-honor-zilla and you don’t need that. -Using your assets for their personal benefit without asking. Business, Economics, and Finance. Then lied to him about where the money came from. She's not upset you bought a cheap dress. I couldn't respond to everyone, but thank When confronted, Sarina nonchalantly stated that it was her "one chance to try a wedding gown" and insisted I should "get over it" and reimburse her the $900 she paid for the dress. I found a dress I loved but I wasn’t comfortable spending the money on it. My sister’s dress cost 6000 euros. I told her that I wasn’t going for a bespoke dress but ordered one online. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. Found my dream wedding dress. AITA For Taking Back Our Groceries That My Wife Gave to Her Sister. Daughter chose that she wanted to make the dress 'her own' and that wasn't an option- and she knew that. Give the dress back to Zoey, and let her know that you appreciated the effort, but this was not the dress you wanted and the two of you agreed to. And for $6,000, asking for proof that that is how much the dress costs is entirely reasonable. I (f28) got engaged in late 2018 and planned to get married in mid-2020. If the bride knows she wants her bridesmaids to dress a certain way, she should play a more active role in the dress selection. 25 votes, 50 comments. I am getting married in February and I paid 200 dollars towards the bridemaids dresses for each bridemaid. by Saphirnan. My mom is upset I found my dress I found my dream dress today. Because we came in so far under budget, I am buying her graduation dress, which I suspect will be around $60-$75 usd. 7. Draw penises all over those bad boys. So stop making excuses, start taking action, and show your friends that you're committed to making things right. A little bit of info I was in the class 2020 and my prom was canceled sadly due to covid. Any dress being ordered under 6 months prior to the wedding date is usually considered a rush job and the bride will usually have to pay for it. NOT show up with your preferred dress and expect the bride will allow it. Option one was getting a dress that can be styled multiple ways, or picking from a collection so everyone matches but they will need to pay for it. NTA - that was a sucky thing for her to leverage her money like that. A few days after I made the post my mom texted me and said: “Really you went wedding dress shopping without your mom” I then asked if she would like to see the dress that I picked and she said no and I then said okay and thought that was the end of it I then got another text from her saying: “Thank you for taking that away from me!”. Our parents had 50/50 custody, though I was always closer to our mother and Steve to our father. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life! 2. $1000 is outrageous to spend for a wedding. ago. My budget for my daughter’s only chance at prom: $500 usd. She's upset you thought it would be appropriate to wear a clubbing dress as a bridesmaid dress. I figured based on the short notice she would have to buy locally, and knowing my sister (who is a single parent of 4) doesn't have a lot of money, I offered to pay for nieces prom dress. Better to not get into debt to begin with. ’ SIL is noted as having issue with many dresses. Reply reply She was very excited and ended up picking out a dress. I was having a decent day so I thought I’d help out. My sister (F41) lives in another province, but was home for the holidays for an extended stay. For example, I'd take 50% to be my disposable income where 30% is for leisure 20% is for my commitments; the rest would be stored as my savings. AITA For charging my mom for the ruined dress. And MAKE THEM SIGN AND DATE IT. Frustrated of constantly being badgered, the You might as well gift it to someone needing a dress or sell it! Let it bring some joy to someone else like it did to you! And $150 wasn't unreasonable for a $400 evening gown only worn once and only a few short years old especially if it's in pristine condition! Reply reply. Yes, people in their late 20s can and do make that much money, but those are such extreme outliers for how often they seem to show up on Reddit, and even the $700k number would obviously have to be total comp padded with equity and other benefits. I ended up going to a boutique where the starting prices were 1200 (why are wedding dresses so expensive?). While one of my closest friends told me her mom booked a flight for her to visit her family in Hong Kong the night of the wedding and she would not be able to be in any of the photos after the ceremony. Sure, 100%. As for her mom and your dad. We’re having a small wedding because we aren’t the most financially stable people and have found cute and crafty ways to save money. My 28 yr old daughter is getting married next year. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I might want to post dress but i feel like i am doing something wrong. Last weekend I had dinner with her, her husband and my fiancé and I told them that I have ordered my wedding dress. Although my friend has agreed to let me keep the dress now, we are still not agreeing on who was in the wrong, so I’m posting… NTA. This all happened yesterday and she reached out today to ask for the money back A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. ) This isn’t a money issue- we could easily afford a new dress in the wedding budget even without my mom. So naturally we are taking this AITA for refusing to pay for my sister’s wedding dress when she insulted my career? I (28F) am a self-taught graphic designer and have worked hard to build my career. You're getting paid for doing a job, and they clearly think you're a valuable employee since they gave you a raise. Tell your friend she might have been a little more tactful but with hearing the conversation and the tone in which it was delivered I can't say for sure. 67 and I found my dress on the side of the road. It's my thing. I set this budget with my daughter, so she knew what her limits were, and she picked the dress she loved- it just so happened to be under $200. It truly feels like a huge sign that this is meant to be. You can get her a gift from her registry that fits your budget. My husband never made much of a salary, maybe about 15k a year at most. ADMIN MOD. One anonymous woman took to the AITA online community to get some advice after her mother-in-law kept pressuring her to wear a white wedding dress. It’s time to have a talk with your partner. Places like David’s Bridal who does the $100 prom dress (formal wear) sale and even Shein has inexpensive dresses. That you are sure she will find someone to appreciate the dress. She then asked me to prepare money to be given to my grandmother. I (30F) am getting married to my fiancé (36M) in about a month. I was informed 2 days ago that my grandmother would be having her birthday by my mother. 30 years of dealing with their shit has been a nightmare and the stress has made me ill. I'll do shortest update to longest update. I had a $5 and $20 bill on me so i gave her the $5 (i am by no means financially well off) and was Added an edit at the end to address some comments! I (20f) was leaving the house on Friday in a dress worth €60 (70$) that I bought when my parents stopped me, told me I looked ‘too fat’ in it and asked me to take it off and then cut it up. If you, bridesmaid, dont like the dress the bride chose for you to wear, you have 2 choices: suck it up and wear it or politely decline to participate. AITA for taking back my gift and refusing to return it. They didn't even ask him to share the money just not accept it because they have chosen to not accept their family. Imo, $400 on a dress that a kid will probably wear once is too expensive. I however have been married previously and still have my wedding dress. YTA troll. (1) I got pissed and frustrated at receiving less money than I should for a good job. I know my daughter is just trying to be nice, but she also has a daughter. I broke curfew a few days ago and she suggested that she is considering whether to take 20% of my money out of the account as a fine for punishment and every time this happens she will take 20% more until nothing is left. Instead, the fact the OP over on AITA is taking money from the dress fund seems. I took my daughter dress shopping and she wanted to take Sally. I understand that I am not entitled to anyone's money, borrowed or not, but when she was in my shoes, I did everything I could to help her out. My brother and his wife planned a winter wonderland wedding, everyone was supposed to be dressed in either silver, white or light blue to fit the theme. Tell your mom and dad to fork over the money to little sister if they want her to have a wedding dress, this one is yours. I told her that it was not my responsibility to pay for her dress, and that she should either buy a cheaper one or ask our parents for money. 2. But what were these One thing we are really looking forward to is our wedding shoot. AITA? I am not look for judgement on cutting my friends off but on forcing them to pay $5,000. Ops sorry sister doesn’t feel like going out. AITA for buying my niece a prom dress? Not the A-hole. And I say if hubby has an issue with you taking the 80% of the funds, use that money to buy back as many stickers as you can. All of those are missing here. NTA at all. EDIT: Thanks for the all the awards! First ones I have ever got on reddit! Am sure you haven’t read the whole thread and it isn’t just $2500 I still have to pay for the upkeep of that car aka insurance+ taxes and tags each year( so a car we never use is costing us in average $260 a month )also the money was mostly to fund her mom asking us for money for a family emergency and not understanding we don’t have any He is a jerk who cheats on her and treats her poorly, but she is too blind to see it. What used to be about getting any dress became getting a new dress from Nordstrom's. We have spent a large amount of our own money on a photographer, who we hired after weeks of research and shopping recommendations. My five bridesmaids voted and options two won. I found this BEAUTIFUL black ballgown $350 under my budget. Choosing the dress after was purposely done to ‘catch’ the SIL being ‘greedy’ and make it ‘her own fault. Money is tight for them, but they still go on annual vacations, drive newer cars etc. -Taking money or using credit cards without permission. No, the money was available. And while it's definitely somewhat time sensitive telling them about the college fund in the first meeting in years comes across that it is with stings attached. strange. I (F37) am getting married early 2024. They’ve been together for 5 yrs and I’ve never met his family. Reply reply. We spent $175. Trying to control your use of or access to money you have earned or saved. Her first wedding dress is very sentimental. She assured me it was fine and would try to find a dress within my budget and that could be worn again. Hundreds of cute, short, pink, bridesmaid appropriate dresses, under $50. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I took money that belonged to my boyfriends dead parents so that i could buy things for myself. My SIL is a married SAHM and her husband (31) works 35 hours per week. Savings-Pattern3614. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. When Steve and I were 8, our parents (now 59M and 56F) divorced. Pranks are funny when everyone laughs at the end. I love knitting and crochet. It's on his daughter to work on earning forgiveness for this behavior. As an adult, spending other peoples money is a dick move, worse, spending it on something for yourself. This child is unbelievably privileged. 26 and 18 need to start contributing to life. I think it's finally gotten to the point where I can post an update that many of you asked for. Kaila was there when I said we'd adjust my 28 year old's dress for Sarah, since she's taller, but then got Sarah obsessed about a dress her ( + her husband's) " elite" money could buy. I could understand if I had asked to borrow a large amount of money, but I literally asked for $5. Option two was I will buy everyone’s dress but what I chose the dress and my decision is final. If you had refused to do so at the start, it would be different. I have a basketball game. " When I went to talk to Kacy, I found her struggling to zip a too-small dress, and the size 14 dress (the one she grabbed) was hanging up and had burst open at the side. Just paying the money back from the dress is the barest minimum. I brought my future… My budget includes improving myself as a human aswell as preparing for my 30s My Gf(25F) of 6 months found out about my budget and is mad I dedicated about a small portion of my monthly salary to taking her on "expensive" dates once a month. Cost 450 euros. Nothing worse than falling in love with a dress you can’t afford. She kept on insisting and my ex told me to just let her go. •. I invited 3 close friends and my soon to be SIL to be in my wedding party and paid for their dresses as well as any other associated costs. Good luck. This is where I land. You've agreed to get married; you've set a date, you're engaged. AITA for not taking down my video that was a gift from my best man. She wants to invite his mother wedding dress shopping. Due to world events, the wedding was rescheduled to May this year. Let them know that Zoey needs to listen to her clients. I adore my MIL, but my SIL and BIL are from hell. We had rules, respect and basic understanding. KPTYYC. It turns out Emily's way over budget, and the main culprit is the dress. I have been looking at a specific Rapunzel dress for the last three years, and finally decided to buy the dress. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1: I take a percentage out of my son's paychecks for his college fund. The options were basically, you pick and buy the dress (adding monetary and mental loads to all involved) or I pick and buy (bride pleased, much cheaper). Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Anna simply said she just doesn’t like the idea of stressing out over a new dress when we have so much more planning to do. . r/AmItheAsshole • 1 yr. YTA for the way you handled it but NTA for not wanting to pay for 6 for one restaurant, if you want to take your partner there and no one else you could have explained that and said for the group dinner somewhere else. We've always been super close, so I'm thrilled for her, but honestly, the whole wedding planning thing has been a bit much. She was surprised because I didn’t make any appointments etc. That will ruin the dress. I’d rather pay money to keep peace, but that’s me. ETA: BTW, it took me 7 years after college (age 30) to have $12,000 in the bank because I was so in debt, and having to pay for everything on my own. -Ruining your credit history by running up limits and then not paying bills. Think I’ve worked it out. I'm going to be getting married net year and I went wedding dress shopping for the first time yesterday. 328 votes, 47 comments. My wedding dress experience was entirely hijacked, I'm now hesitant to pay her back. I'm sure you originally had something else in mind when you started saving. Soft YTA. YTA for the performance art going on in the comments. I’ll also say, I paid $1200 for my wedding dress and thought it was a good deal (plus a couple hundred for alterations). She put $110 into it, My brothers Ex-girlfriend put $220 into it and said don’t worry about paying her back because it was her wedding gift, while I put $379 into it and that’s not including the money for gas that I used to doordash to get some of the money to pay for the dress, making the total that I’ve put into it around $400, the She’s allowed to wear a revealing dress sure but op also is allowed to kick her out for making ops wedding about her dress. 5 years later and while I loved my dress, I could have loved a $200 dress, too. If she chooses to spend money recklessly, she should face consequences. NTA. The dress: many of you reached out and offered to try and help, and I'm so thankful to you. My little sister Emily's getting married in a few months. That's the first step toward redemption. When the money is gone, she has to wait until the next payday for more. When he opened my mail and realized that i did not get money from a pay raise at work. This year, with covid and all, money's been tight, so I decided to knit christmas gifts for everyone using yarn I already had. The decision to get married has been made very recent and my partner (M38) and I are having a very low budget, small event. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. AITA? Wedding dress shopping for my daughter. All eyes should be on her, not you. 2: I might be the asshole because it's causing him to be unable to budget properly, according to him. However, the sales associate pulled me aside and told me that a $250 charge for a dress that ripped would be added to my bill, since I was "taking care of everything. I was the first to receive and try on the dress. "Well, the money is going to the dresses!" AITA for taking my prom dress. All the outfits were supposed to be dramatic, even my brother's wife said she didn't mind if they didn't even stand out, we were all supposed to look like rockstars there was even to be a prize That's not just money and we're only hearing the grandparents side. Ruin anything that actually costs money or that parents can see or get mad about? Hell no. ^ This. It was a discontinued design, and on sale so I paid 1/3 of my budget for my dress on it, plus off the rack, it’s only going to need slight alterations, such as taking in the bust and waist, and the shoulders a bit, nothing huge. If any of these things are not met, the dress is being taken back and the money kept. Me (f29) and my STBH (m33) are getting married soon. It was around $300, and I paid for it with my birthday money and none of the money from my parents, scholarships, or current work/tips. I don't agree with that, because it's the same amount of money, and she needs to learn how to budget (it might be a good idea to suggest she put away $25/wk, but keep the monthly payment structure, since in adulthood, most expenses are monthly). Vote. As far as I'm concerned, offering to pay to clean or the replace the dress makes you NTA. Let the savings serve their original purpose. There's a reason wedding dress makers require, usually, a minimum of 6 months time to make the dress as well. Anxious_Objective_58. My father, who I have a very complicated relationship with… The cost to replace my laptop was only $600, Yay Black Friday. 193K views, 794 likes, 6 loves, 663 comments, 17 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Reddit Relationships: AITA for taking money from the dress budget we had to pay for the iPad my fiancé's kid broke? Didn’t need alterations either (corset tops are great for that). 2 because she told me i should not post it cuz she wants to wear that When my father came home he handed me €30, I asked him what it was for and he told me that he was paying me on my sister's behalf. So my mom and I (20F) were talking and she brought up that she was planning on on selling the dress. The emotional damage to the sis for this - I can't even imagine. She also asked me to pay for half of her wedding dress, which costs $10,000. I looked on Amazon for shits and giggles. No irreversible stains (dyes, foods, wines, etc), no sewed or cut alterations, etc. So she sent the link to the dress and we all bought it ($140 after shipping and tax). It makes me a bit uncomfortable. Second, you're buying into the notion that your relatives have any say so in any of your decisions. My wife (30) wife has a younger sister (28) with four kids. Then return to the apartment with a few friends with martial arts experience. But I am still conflicted on whether or not we should have asked for $5,000. My dress was on last-call off the rack clearance at a budget bridal chain and was a simple thing, no beading or anything, and was $350, but because it was off the rack it needed fairly substantial alterations. 6K votes, 713 comments. Anytime someone brings up a wedding budget in AITA the inevitable comment: My wedding cost $4. If she can't afford her dream dress, she can cut back on some of her wedding costs or find a dress that fits within her budget. I hope you have an excellent wedding with a maid of honor that honors YOUR CHOICE of dress without jerking your around and trying to control you. That's what I would do though, more so because my sister and I aren't really that close anymore. The bride took the dress off and said she'd try to find something online. Ok. Here are some examples of this exploitation. I of course told her I didn't want her to sell it because I wanted to keep it for which she told me to give her $500 for the First, whether your SO gets down on one knee or not, you are, for all intents and purposes, engaged. Not the A-hole. AITA for wanting to wear my old wedding dress? Asshole. Edit: so apparently yall would take someone to court over a $5-$20 coat? Really? Nta, no she can't have your dress just to ruin it with it being resized for her. I have a sister that’s 6 years older than me. Crypto knittingdrama. She calls me a childish cheapskate simply because I use my money to buy games and things I need to survive. He understood where I was coming from but he told me that was something an asshole The bride ended up falling in love with the last dress she tried but was heartbroken to learn that the consultant had misread the price tag and the dress was actually $1000 over budget and with alterations to make it her size it was another $1400. 102 votes, 127 comments. A couple of weeks ago she decided our dresses would be ordered online from a website called Birdy Grey. Hey everyone. . That fabric was ment for you and Molly, no one else. My niece was invited to prom rather last minute and she accepted. Sorry to say, but I'd also take a long look at how hubby treats your daughter. Feisty-Two2855. I protested this idea bc we was going to an high end shop and I knew Sally wouldn’t be able to afford a dress from there. I earned this money myself (selling handcrafted items). The money you make is yours and you're not obligated to give it to anyone- not even your own money if you don't want to. So, I got married a few years back. My 28 year old had a hand me down dress but Kaila decides to swoop in. I’m not sure if it’s necessary, but personally I’d offer to pay the in-laws back for the dupe dress. readthethings13579. Novel_Rule475. The bridges budget isn't your problem. It is only one day. (2) It might make me an asshole to be pissed at that because the website states you have to accept any money the tourist give, regardless, so they are not technically in the wrong. AITA For Buying A Wedding Dress Back? I (25F) am not currently dating anybody. We took the money and bought our dresses again and tried to move on. My mom dislikes me borrowing clothes from people, But I really liked my friend’s dress and I didn’t have any to wear. Do not attend your wedding in a dress you hate. MOD. You can do a budget together so she can see where all the money goes, then put her spending money on the cash app card. At a certain amount, you could be years paying off the balance. That way he can't argue you're overreacting because you're using "stepson's money" to replace what he destroyed. GA scoffs and crosses her arms, “well, Im NOT paying for a dress if its not going to be a real wedding dress!” I then reminded her that I am paying this dress and worked my ass off for a year to save for my dress, for this specific reason. The bridal party had already agreed that $100-150 for the dress budget was good. The photographer is highly, highly sought after in our area and we were lucky to book him last year in advance. NTA that's not your problem to solve. I am deeply hurt that she feels I was in the wrong, but I do not think I was the asshole here. That means being honest with yourself and others, taking proactive steps to repay the money you owe, and showing genuine remorse for your past behavior. The dress was $80. I (22/F) went to a wedding and I asked my friend if she could borrow me a dress and we decided to switch: she borrows one from me and I borrow one from her. My sister (25F), on the other hand, has always been critical of my job, calling it a ‘hobby’ and not a ‘real job’. My mother insisted I get it and she paid for the dress. The only way for this not to be a jerk move is if you pick the dress so you can wear it again. This happened over christmas and I'm still getting heat over it. This is a loan of a garment not a permanent solution. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I am graduating ops sorry sister had a bad If she is being this ridiculous over $600, I'd take the dress and sell it to regain a little bit of your money and have her end up paying for her own damn dress. 4. She is not entitled to a single thing from you, and you're not a work mule that's expected to give back regular returns once they're old enough just because she gave birth to you. So I gave everyone two options to vote on. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. I refused the money and told him that my sister insisted that I babysit, so she is the one who will be paying me and no one else. AITA for going off on my soon-to be Husband for returning my wedding dress? Not the A-hole. sf vp gr jn ad fy pg vl zv bv