Avengers fanfiction peter stopped by security. Avengers Team Members & Loki (Marvel) Avengers Team Members (Marvel) & Original Female Character (s) Avengers Team & Peter Parker. " It was MJ's turn to blink, though she followed it up with a glance in Peter and Ned's direction. Oct 9, 2020 · Crime-Fighting Spider. Five times people mistook Peter to be Tony's son and the one time Tony pretended he was. He wasn't the most well known Avenger, but he thought Peter would appreciate the gesture. "To your room! Now!" Tony snarled, "God, let your Father deal with you!" Peter blinked, wounded, before shaking his head and starting upstairs, making sure to slam the door on his way. But he couldn't, and soon enough, he vanished too. Peter began to follow the others outside when two shots could be heard. Then a few days later, he gets sick. , Hulk/Bruce B. police chases. One was Tony. Monroe releases a loud sigh and retreats to the center of the room. In a place where everyone knows you, your classmates don't believe you've even met anyone, and where you actually do Feb 15, 2020 · The kid motioned towards his clothes as he finished talking, and Bruce's curiosity grew. Besides, the tales that reached him were By: Writing Desk's Raven. Sorry Morgan, I love you, but you can't exist in this series His eyes darted up and he saw Peter screaming and shaking violently. Peter knew protesting was futile but he couldn't help but try. "He's being mean to Petey!" "Dad, I - " Peter stammered, unaware of his choice of Avnegers one-shots, most of them starring our favourite spiderling. Aunt May sometimes came to parent's day, which he knew Peter got embarrassed about, especially when Flash and his friends bullied him. "Don't move. Peter works at Sister Margaret’s. Cheering started up, but that soon stopped as Peter fell off the roof, not trying to catch himself. Chapter 1: The Bank Deposit. Peter placed a hand over his heart in fake hurt. So, all the heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet. A couple of times, like last year, Aunt May hadn't been able to show up, and everyone has been horrible to Peter. Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov. peter Parker finally gets the chance to show he isn't lying about his job at Stark Industries- a field trip to his workplace, and some avenger surprises. The rest of the day went by in a blur but Peter couldn't stop thinking about the field trip. Tony recalls Peter using his first name. Captain Rogers, or Steve, Peter's mind supplied, now had a sympathetic look on his face. But he never made it home. " Peter frowned, momentarily distracted all of a sudden. It is by pure miracle that Peter does not have aquaphobia. Peter, Everyone's Favourite to Protect By: thewriterstory. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 2,397 - Reviews: 5 Chapter 1. Father/Son (slight) Major Peter!whump because I'm horrible. Peter is stopped by Mjolnir laying on his bed. Peter had the ridiculous urge to start singing the Giant Purple People Eater song. Peter got in the car sighing. When Peter is beat up, the Avengers discover it and try to stop it. Oh, and he was Spider-Man too. The Spiderling Named Peter Parker By: Viet Devil. Jan 31, 2020 · Once everyone left, Peter walked down towards the security room. When a nightmare strikes after a particular gruesome movie, the young boy come to realize that maybe Tony was right all along. It's just too risky. Peter began planning how discreet he would have to be to fake a bathroom emergency and then slip out of school unnoticed in a bright red and blue spider-suit. Peter hopped into the elevator and, giving that F. Rated T for certain bits of language. But the thing that stuck out a lot more than anyone would think was how annoyingly respectful he was. Mar 8, 2021 · Internship. She looked unhurt, just a little shocked by what had happened. " The light beam turned on, and Peter began to scream. The Avengers were awfully protective, and that's why he never told them he was being bullied. Apr 26, 2019 · Suddenly, 6 metal limbs that resembled of spider legs popped out and started stabbing the reptiles. Sep 26, 2020 · Movies Avengers. It was just another perk of his powers; a lack of air traffic. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Humor - Iron Man/Tony S. (An introspective fic of the MCU's version of Flash Thompson, with Thank you all for tuning in. "Gotta go - internship" Peter said, grabbing his backpack and jacket. AKA, peter gets called to the front office to discuss his 'fake' internship. -Peter finds out he's going to Stark Industries for the Decathlon field trip. Upon meeting up with Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, whose back to life, they give him a new offer to join the rebuilding Avengers. "Shit!" Someone must have beaten him to the mail. ) Flash Thompson hated Peter Parker. Parker and placed it in Tony's mail slot. A lot has happened to him and the other Avengers in that time and as the middle of Peter's senior school year arrives, Midtown High School gets a surprise invitation for their Tony was wary of the idea at first, saying that he'd have to run it by Spider-Man first; but the boy was pretty excited with the idea of officially meeting the rest of his heroes and agreed immediately. All Peter wanted to do was get by under the radar. Peter: I meant noe. FRIDAY?" Peter asked nervously as the elevator began its ascent. " He frowns at them. If it happened before he turned 15, this Peter has experienced it. "Ugh Karen, stop. (Part 4 of The Peter Whump Dump Series) Peter, You're Hurt By: GryffindorGyrl1997. This is a story about how a snarky, emotionally stunted genius became more than a mentor and how a just-trying-to-figure-it-out, superkid Nov 16, 2018 · Homework and Teacher of Doom By: anxious. “That whole area’s, like, a major target for all sorts of–”. MJ and Ned had looked at him with some concern. (Might do a second chapter of a field trip fic if yall don't bail out before finishing this so if this ever has a The older man wasn't even strong enough to drag him away without Peter's compliance. Prologue : Nick Fury had called for an emergency meeting at the Stark tower for all the Avengers and their allies. Peter groaned but he went to the dance room as requested. Chapter 18: Clint Barton. Read PETER'S MOST HATED TEACHER [TRIGGER WARNING] from the story Marvel One-Shots [NO REQUESTS] by HungryGremlin2003 (Becca) with 4,583 reads. From The Hulk baking cookies to bots wearing scarves knitted by Captain America, Ned gets to see a side of Peter he's never seen before. soul. Forgive me By: wolfypuppypiles. " Bruce exclaimed. Fighting for his life, Peter attempts to evade capture of the law and his fellow superheroes while balancing a precarious relationship with the Avengers and his vigilante activities. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. When he arrived, he gasped. AKA Tony doesn't get why maths is so complicated and is protective of his child. Peter's Internship at Stark Industries. He entered the elevator alone, and the guard gave him one more puzzled look before the doors closed. He shelved the children's books Lila left out last night and moving Cooper's basketball bag off to the side. hints of Peter x Gwen, set after spiderman homecoming and civil war never happened. He couldn't breathe, scratching his face as he struggled to take the mask off. Yeah, Peter Parker was completely ordinary. Peter coughed, pushing the leaves off in frustration and brushing the dirt off his face. Peter: *noe. And Darling I'm DruNk By: goofychic100. It's also underage because Peter is only 15 and the rapist is 18. When they got outside the school, Happy pulled up in his car. I know this has been done so many time but the Field Trips are my fave one shots, Peter was adopted by Tony after Aunt May passed away when he was 10 and calls him dad ,he been living at SI with all of the avengers ,but since Tony doesn't want the press to found out and start harassing Peter,he says Peter is his personal intern he still goes by Peter Parker,he is a Still Spiderman Hurt Peter Parker. All the Avengers are worried. Endgame didn't happen in this universe, and Tony adopted Peter after Aunt May died. "We're going to get you out of here. Peter sighed and answered the sixteenth call, putting it on speaker before speaking. Language and mature theme warning. Peter’s class takes a feild trip to Stark tower, where Flash finds it hard to believe that Peter Parker is actually an intern. He was wrong. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Captain Flash screamed as the teacher thumped onto the carpet, unconscious and Peter sat tense and rigid in his chair. Peter kind of wanted to run back out into the storm under all that scrutiny. "Oh, come on Pep! It was just one meeting!" She held her glare, but it faltered when she noticed the Avengers standing behind Tony. Tony helps Peter, his son, out with his maths homework and Peter's teacher ends up being fired. Can Tony save Peter from this monster? Or is it that he Jul 1, 2018 · Filling the Gaps By: Puck's Favourite Girl. If anything, nearly drowning, tangled in a parachute and having Iron Man save you should make sure Peter stayed out of bodies of water, but no, the boy was psychologically unharmed. Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure. Peter hurried down the street, clutching his backpack so that it wouldn't get knocked off his back by the New Yorkers rushing by him. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 7 - Words: 4,649 - Reviews: 149 - Favs: 849 - Follows: 399 - Updated: Sep 17, 2018 Everyone in the lobby seemed to be frozen, watching them. Aug 18, 2019 · Peter whipped round instantly, letting go of Morgans' hand in the meantime, allowing her the chance to run past Peter. JARVIS' scans had shown Peter's heartrate was elevated beyond anything he Movies Avengers. Part three in my series The Soldier, the Genius, and the Spider. Aug 25, 2019 · It had been exactly five weeks since Tony Stark's death, and now Peter Parker was going on a fieldtrip to Stark Industries. " "Who the fuck is that?" Aug 20, 2021 · Together, they'd take over the world. " Peter looks back at the cage. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 3,259 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 50 Dec 31, 2019 · Peter was just your ordinary, run of the mill, kid. Random, non-canon compliant fic that's set post Civil War. "Yes, sir. When the first whispers and reports emerged about some new crime-fighting vigilante, Tony Stark paid little attention. After that, Tony led the class to the living room, where Peter sat casually on the couch. Bye, guys!" When Peter got home, he said hi to the front desk lady and went to the security gate. The only normal thing he had was a bully. There's a Fine, Fine Line By: 1-800fangirl. This was not how I wanted to spend my Spring Break. Superfamily, established Stony. Peter knew he was dangerously close to becoming hypothermic. Once he entered the security room, he got to work on making sure that the avengers security would go against them. “Isn’t that really unsafe, sir?” ventured Luke. Peter stumbled into the room, eyes as wide as saucers. It was fun and rejuvenating to hang out with his friends and the Avengers. Friend or Foe By: Pirate18. Peter goes on a class field trip to SI. Someone who was apparently shot! Peter could be seen inside the door, another man was inside with his face out of view of the camera. Bullies, Interns, and Secret Things By: TheCuriousClockwork. Inspired by a post on social media. Please review! Movies Avengers. Well, it kind of is, but not really. Horror Movies Of An Internal Source By: StarkandStars. Now the doors to enter the compound wouldn't open. "Hate to break it up, lovebirds, but the bell's about to ring," said Ned. As if on cue, the bell rang. He knew it, Parker knew it, all of Midtown High knew it. His fingers were too cold, they wouldn't work properly to get the window unlatched. When was he going to learn that in the end, people only ended up hurt when they were around him, or worse. spideypool Peter could not believe his luck tonight. The same thing that was the person from Peter's dreams. "I knew my son was worthy. Peter didn't even hear him he was still trapped in his nightmare. But Mr. Tony hauled out the sofa bed and made it up, climbing in once he made sure Peter was comfy in the main bed. Peter Parker, alone and struggling to make rent, gets a job at the Hellhouse, a shady bar in the slums. Two-hundred and thirty-three optimistic results; estimated initial graph: forty-two nodes. A 16 year old Peter Stark-Rogers trudged out of bed, out of his room, and down the hall way. "Hey kid calm down. Tony snapped, grabbing Peter by the arm once more and forcing his web shooters off. "There seems to be gradual levels of radiation increasing down on the first floor. Peter's dads worry, and Peter is forced to tell them about his injuries from when he ran away. " Tony sounded so angry, his voice quick and hot as he spoke to Peter. Field Trip to Stark Industries By: AmokIsHungry. "Hey kid hop in, can't wait to hear your nonstop talking" Happy said with a grin. (4/5~6 Chapters written) As the title says, Peter Parker should not have been walking on the ceiling in the Avengers Tower common room. Warning: Brief mentions of abuse and rape, swearing, and gay relationships. "Peter!" At MJ's nod, he smirked. "Hey Wade. He took and left and entered the Intern's Lab. Aug 14, 2017 · Peter groaned, over the sound of engines starting on Tony's end of the phone. What they didn't expect was the small boy raised by Hydra that they found instead. This is not movie Peter. For three months after an incident in a battle that leaves Tony hospitalized, Peter's convinced himself that Tony blames and hates him for what happened. A rewrite of the Spider-Man that was featured in the 2016 film, Captain America Civil War. Kinda. "Please, it's about Mary Parker. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 7 - Words: 4,578 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 19 - Follows Mar 26, 2019 · Movies Avengers. Peter is apart of the superfamily. Peter is hurt during a battle with the Avengers. Tony has yet to correct them. Peter's No Longer Fighting Alone By: wereleopard. "Sir, I've found something rather odd," Jarvis interrupts. Tony shook those thoughts off. Stark Industries has very few interns, ten to be precise. You see, the thing is Peter is about 10 times smarter than every other kid in his year. But it still wasn't enough as others tried to wield the gauntlet for Thanos. SI does not hire High school interns By: BIRDSdon'tBUZZ. It hadn't been a conscious decision. Movies Avengers. Everyone had a meet-and-greet with the Guardians. Field Trip. Once he walked out of the school, he saw Happy there waiting with a smile on his face. Or Peter is bullied by Flash and he has to stop the Avengers from murdering Flash because the Avengers are protective of their baby spider. "That's my ride. heard their conversation, it started moving downward. Jul 24, 2017 · Lifting a hand, he hovered it over Peters chest, and moved the kids shaking hands away. Jul 18, 2019 · Tony shrugged, looking back at his work and continuing to virtually disassemble the reactor. "Hope you don't mind the change in plans, Happy has the day off and Tony got dragged into a Movies Avengers. His class doesn't believe him, his teacher doesn't believe him. Peter hated seeing his mentor worry, and picked up one of the band-aids, gently sticking it to Tony's forehead, where he'd bumped his head on the table, when he was pushed down. The last thing he remembered, was walking home from school. Flash grabbed his arms, helping Peter stay upright. Clint thinks Peter is Tony's son still. Peter stays, caught in the middle of the three avengers and the mad scientist. Without much thought Peter simply picks up the hammer and places it on his desk. Peter walked up the steps leading into the base of the tower, the tall structure of glass and steel glinting in the late morning sun. It's a rather arrogant statement from someone in their positions. "Yep. Pepper shot Tony an angry glance. His body writhed underneath Tony's hold, as he tried to escape the pain. NO ANGST Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. The rectangular room had a hardwood floor, a wall lined with mirrors, a wall of windows and a bar. Happy: I'm picking you up. Anything. The Protected Avenger By: wulfpatronus. I swear, I'm on my way. The Betrayal. He'd promised Peter that the two of them would do something the night before, and then he'd gotten drunk instead. Midtown didn't know what was coming for them. "Security alert! The mailbox opened and Peter almost had a heart attack when he saw that it was empty. He is friendly with the patrons and befriends one in particular named Wade Wilson, who immediately jumps to conclusions when he shows up with one too many bruises. He slept terribly, partly because when Peter crashed from the caffeine he snored like an elephant, and partly because he was terrified Peter's heart would stop. " Ned burst out a laugh, as Peter followed suit, wincing only slightly at the pain in his arm. pre infinity war, avengers still live in stark tower. 3K 68. However, Peter has a rebuke for them along with a wakeup call, not that they will probably get it. The video ended here. Peter's harsh reality for The Avengers By: Phillipe363. Civil War: Spider-Man By: RoseAuthor98. Back in Black By: StarStepper. This is a series of one-shots of Peter whump or him just being stupid and Tony always being there for him. It was no secret everyone hated the teacher and had non-verbally agreed never to bully someone for what she did in the classroom, other than Miss Oak of course. Tony is tired of being put under pressure to do better when he already is doing his best. As did the rest of his classmates. included Avengers SuperFam, Memes, Crack, Cliches (field trips etc), IronDad and SpiderSon, etc. Clint balanced Nathaniel on his hips, humming a tune as he swayed around the living room. And now he couldn't get his window opened. Along with someone new yet old. Enough with the backstory. You know, just chilling in Wakanda's wilderness, fighting some aliens, staying stubbornly away from the giant purple monster Mr. Why you might ask? Well, let's just say that Peter has now been possessed by a nogitsune. Peter doesn't realize that everyone thinks he's Tony's son. Everyone still thinks that Peter is Tonys son. There was no point in lying. Tony thought that a botched mission and a fight between him and Peter would have been the worst thing to happen that week. Clint Barton & Original Female Character (s) Jane Foster/Thor. Bruce watched his eyes widen, and prepared himself for the mandatory "Hulk!" To his surprise (and secret delight) the kid instead squealed "Dr. , Thor, Hulk/Bruce B. When Peter has a nightmare in Tony's lab, Tony learns about Uncle Ben. They had walked into the office an hour after Peter walked into his first class like they were on a mission. It will be very angsty and dark and deals with rape. It was a busy Saturday morning, and Peter was in a hurry to get to the bank before it would close at noon. After comforting Peter, he decides to take matters into his own hands. Wanda Maximoff/Vision. Flash clapped him on the back, forcing Peter to stumble forward. This fic will deal with rape and the aftermath and the recovery. And yet, Flash Thompson also knew that he would have given anything to be Peter Parker. Pepper is also along for the ride. We're all good. (This is made up of three prompts so thank youuu) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Suspense - Black Widow/Natasha R. A Day In The Life By: Jadey's World. After scanning Movies Avengers. Tony looked at him, bold and true and utterly sincere, "Kid, I'm on your side, no matter what. Lots of angst, but lots of fluff inbetween. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, I am merely writing fan fiction. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 10 - Words: 10,636 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 43 - Updated: 3/15 Movies Avengers. Just when Tony thought he knew everything about his young protégé, another traumatic event from Peter's past comes to the surface. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - [Iron Man Oct 1, 2017 · Innocent By: wolfypuppypiles. First his suit malfunctioned. Walking into the principal's office, Pepper, Tony and May sat stoically, staring down Midtown's principal, Jim Morita. Comics, movies, games, all of it rolled into a single Peter. He wanted to analyze every part of the design of his current one, to look for technology that was outdated, or could be upgraded, downsized, or replaced. He shrugged. One of Midtown High School's classes gets a special treat - a tour of Stark Industries. Avengers Edition. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. The Avengers thought they were on a typical assignment: Infiltrate the Hydra base and find the weapon. Marvel owns them all. " Movies Avengers. A. And we will talk about you lying to me. Nat would personally kill Flash, and Peter didn't want that to happen. Jul 11, 2018 · Movies Avengers. "Kid. Before the trip, he spends the weekend at the Stark Tower. Y. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Ned - Words A series of events following the times, or surrounding the times, in which Peter walks on the ceiling. " It's rather odd, sir. If he makes it through the entire day without being suspended, it'll be a miracle. D. His eyes turned a dark shade of crimson red. He leaves the Avengers only to create a complicated relationship with Peter Parker, but he doesn't know of the teens secret identity. It's okay. , Spider-Man/Peter Peter gets in trouble at school and Tony comes to rescue. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Crime May 20, 2016 · Reintroducing Hope; Chapter 1: Peter needed to stop making friends. “Since the Avengers went upstate it’s been fine! Jul 26, 2019 · Peter stumbled, but managed to regain his footing, although the girl was knocked to the ground. In a world where the Avengers are fighting, a world which Peter is seemingly too good for, some people would want to protect Peter at all costs. Feb 22, 2019 · Complete Disaster. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. Happy came to pick him up about twenty minutes later, and Peter had already downed an entire 750 mL bottle of Smirnoff straight - without chasing. Just-let's go-". " Like most good things, it started with an accident. It had started with a drink. Meanwhile, the coach on watch blew on his whistle to stop the game, as the curly haired boy was shown to be waving frantically at the coach while pointing at Peter. (Cross-posted in Hair Dye. Peter could feel it in his bones. "You really don't want to hear what he has to say," Peter said feebly. Summary : How the Avengers are spending their quarantine / lock down. "Would you stop-" "Filtering possible combinations by comparison to relevant data points lifted from local databases. " Tony smirked as he was handed a portion of the Movies Avengers. There was no drought in his mind he was sick. "Hey kid," he called, closing the book and tucking it away. Theoretically, he could climb out of a window and web-swing through the city. Peter doesn't want to go on a field trip to Stark Tower. Rogers followed it, and spotted them. This fic is the first of 5 part series. For few seconds everyone and everything froze in the training room. Tony enters last from his workshop grumbling about how it was unfair that he was being bossed around by "Midgardian Odin Wannabe" in his OWN What happened next was blur to Steve. Worried Steve Rogers. Especially when a person from Peter's parents' past makes a return to the city. "Dad!" Peter attempted to grab them back, but Tony backed off. He took it out of his pocket; 'One unread message from: Happy :)' He opened it. "I'm sorry. Cursing his luck, he raced to the elevator, hoping that whoever got the mail had not saw the letter addressed To the parents of Peter B. Not a Kid Anymore By: Freckled Angel 11. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. Stark told me to avoid. " The 2 security guards went over to the boy and grabbed his shoulders and started to drag him towards the doors. Apr 27, 2019 · Tony showed them a few labs, and then they went to the training area for the Avengers, where the Guardians were waiting. Irondad and Spiderson By: Snowspidergirl. There is one quick thing I want to clarify before we begin though. The leader of the kidnappers pointed to Flash, his goons quickly grabbing him. Peter's back collided with the big green guy who out of pure reflex turned around and threw a right handed punch to Peter's face. Or - Clint needs to stop shooting arrows at any given opportunity. 231K 6. One day in AP Physics, a yellow field trip slip makes its way to his desk. After a ton of work Peter's Internship is realtoo bad no one believes him. "I'm coming to get you, don't move. Peter is kidnapped and tortured in front of Tony, in order to teach Tony a lesson. Merc with a Mouth. Tony only hugged them tighter, and vowed to keep all Movies Avengers. One by one, they all disappeared, until Thanos was left, kneeling on the ground, and puffing, trying his best to fight off what was being done to him. He hadn't even gotten too close to this guy, but now he was probably in the hospital or something, all because of Peter's stupid curse. I. It was a cold morning in New York City, Stark towers loomed over the city. "Radiation as in someone came from a CT scan or radiation as in-" Tony thumbs at Bruce. Ned wasn't concerned about Peter's welfare A series of little ficlets where Peter introduces some of the members of the Avengers to modern technology, memes, and other general shenanigans. When Mr Harrington had announced it to the decathlon team, the group had erupted into cheers, while Peter had gone a deathly shade of white. Whoever this guy was, he wasn't the first to fancy his chances at playing superhero since the Avengers had been founded, and Tony was sure he wouldn't be the last. James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson. Even if that means summoning the Avengers, threatening them, and Peter was becoming quite the mystery! The door opened, revealing Pepper and Morgan, Morgan on her Stark Pad because Pepper had brought her along to the meeting. Peter's Field Trip By: Aquamelon008. They all watch as Peter picks up Mjolnir. Tony doesn't know that Peter is actually Spider-man, the one who Ned shot a worried glance at his best friend. 11 year old Peter really wants to watch the newest horror movie, but his Dad has some doubts. He knew Peter's superhero instincts sounded an awful lot like what the bank teller was saying about the helpful young hostage. Trust he didn't deserve. After Peter is hurt, Tony insists on an upgrade. He threw it aside and took a deep breath, covering his wounds with his hands and pushing himself up against a wall. Apr 22, 2020 · Movies Avengers. The kid cut himself off as he finally noticed Bruce standing there. Everyone just stared at him. " The taller of the security guards said, beginning to use more force than necessary for a scrawny teenager. Peter Parker thought the Avengers would always be there for him. Peter felt the air knock out of him when Bruce's fisted hand landed on his face. Secrets and all that. Banner!" Movies Avengers. But it's ok, he'll show them. And they definitely didn't expect him to stay at Avengers Tower or how he somehow wormed his way into their lives. Basically, think of this as a mixture of every Peter there is. But as the trip progresses, Peter gets back in subtle ways as he proves him wrong. He was smarter than most adults as well. , Iron Man/Tony S. Peter meets Tony Stark after saving Pepper Potts. “Shut up, Mendes,” scoffed Flash. "Peter's talked about you. He gets an internship with SI, which no one apart from Ned believes, and of course, there is a trip to SI itself. Ned looked at him in shock and Peter helplessly shook his head. Indoctrination By: phoenixon. Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor - Iron Man/Tony S. Tony took notice on the fact that his boy was running late, a One minute he was sharing a couch in the common area of the Avengers Compound with the Captain America, while said Captain helped him with an essay on the Great Depression, and the next minute Peter was regaling him with his "origin" story. Meanwhile in the living room, the Avengers were watching the security footage of Peter's room. He looked to those eyes once more, seeing the trust in them. Happy usually picked him up, but today Sam wanted to pick Peter up. I'm telling you, he's not my son! By: Ashfirebolt. "Stop! Please don't hurt me!" The leader's eyes found Peter and he pointed a gun right between the kid's eyes. Peter Stark was raised by Doctor Strange and Tony Stark, so that childhood was nothing close to normal. If that upsets you in any way, this is not the fic for you and I don't suggest reading it. " "Stop struggling kid. At 2:45 pm on the dot, the bell rang signaling the end of school, in tune with it Peter's phone chimed. A slice of Avengers life seen through Ned's eyes. Peter: Oh my gosh, why. Which is just greeaaat for one Peter Parker, who's trying to keep the extent of his involvement there under wraps. He watched as the numbers lowered until it finally stopped at floor 18. He immediately stopped the MRI and ran to Peter. A monster from Peter's past emerges when the world learns about Peter's internship with Tony Stark. It's a recipe for disaster. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 7 Peter, on the other hand, sank lower in his seat. Two and half years have passed since Peter Parker donned the Spider-man suit and made a name for himself. "None," he told her, flippantly. Before Peter could even comprehend what was going on, Morgan had wrapped herself around their dads legs and was pointing once again at Flash. Spiderman is trapped by the NYPD and the Avengers in a heated pursuit for his own freedom. 'Hey,' he said. Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov. Peter hastily replied, Peter: OK, on my way out noe. He'd been excited to go on patrols, eager to brush away the stress of his classes. But most impressive were the two figures in the room. Well, kinda. He did not have nightmares, Tony had asked, nor . " Jarvis hums in interest. "Um, Ms. "Please, you have to listen to me. There where many words Tony could choose to describe Peter; optimistic, smart, kind, stupidly righteous, undoubtedly selfless, an idiot with when it came to his own safety, a kid. And the year above him, and the year above that. But it was Monday and he need to go to school, he had a math test today and he really didn't want to miss it so he was Memories of a car crash and memories of losing himself and never quite finding himself again. Peter walked out of the elevator and onto the floor. R. Milk and Nachos By: silkyterrier34. Harrison continued to stare at him. The other was the Black Widow. " He hung up, and Peter sighed, finding a step to sit on in the alleyway he was hiding out in. Part 1 of marvel one-shots. Peter turned frantically, looking for the origin of the voice, when a giant, purple man bled into existence about twenty yards in front of them. Bruce tried putting a hand on his shoulder but the kid pushed him away. Even Flash winced for his mate. Without doing anything, his suit annihilated most of the slimy creatures. Every hero on the field tensed. Stubborn AF, he still goes. This focuses on if Peter Parker was older and more experienced and had more motivation than he did in the original film. iw vo yt ke qa zm ef nd qp qc