Descargar youtube revanced extended apk. Para disfrutar de Revanced extendido al máximo, es necesario descargar la última versión del archivo Apk de nuestro sitio web de forma One of the most anticipated alternatives to Vanced is the official YouTube ReVanced APK replacement. It offers all the same features as the official YouTube app, plus a few additional features like the ability to block annotations and sponsor segments. 3 days ago · Download and install the latest version of YouTube ReVanced here. الخطوة 1. Listening to the sound of the wind in the clouds and hearing the secrets together. Intenta instalar primero el archivo Micro G APK. That’s it! Descarga los archivos ReVanced Extended APK y MicroG APK. It is based on the popular YouTube ReVanced app, and it offers many of the same features. Install the downloaded APK file normally by opening it. الآن، قم 5 days ago · Download. Paso 2 - Antes de continuar coa instalación, confirma se se permite a instalación de aplicacións de terceiros na túa versión de Android. Step 4: Now click on the “select an application” icon. Apr 21, 2024 · Kindly wait for some time until it gets completely downloaded. APP;RVX Bug / Feature Request for ReVanced Extended. 4. What's new: - Fix(General Ads): Hide product ads in video descriptions - Fix(Hide Suggested Video Overlay): Autoplay options not worked - Fix(Hide Community Post): Community Post in Community Section Apr 14, 2024 · Esto hace que tu YouTube ReVanced o ReVanced Extended no se sustituyan de la noche a la mañana por una versión oficial, pero también causa que se queden estancados en una versión antigua de YouTube. ReVanced Extended APKファイルとMicroG APKファイルをダウンロードする。. From the update on March 28, 2024, the ReVanced team has changed the default package of MicroG to app. 0] Aug 14, 2023 · SmartTube is an open-source, ad-free version of the YouTube app for Android TVs and TV boxes. Step 1: Get the MicroG apk file from our website. Tap on the "Sources" tab at the bottom of the screen, and then tap on "Edit" in the top-right corner. Paso 3. Get the latest versions now! Mar 30, 2024 · Download ReVanced Extended APK Latest Version v19. apk file from the menu. 6 days ago · Get the official YouTube app on Android phones and tablets. Por ejemplo: APKMirror; APKCunk; Malavida; Hay muchas otras webs, pero enumero solo unas pocas. Open the app from the next prompt window. Incluso, esta app te permite ver vídeos con mayor calidad. Paso 2 - A continuación, activa as instalacións de fontes descoñecidas, se aínda estás atopando algún erro coa instalación, concede permiso de root. Abre YouTube Revanced y, si lo deseas, inicia sesión. 1 post • Page 1 of 1. Sep 26, 2023 · To download the official APK, one should visit the ReVanced Extended website and go to the downloads section. Dapatkan file APK dengan mengklik tautan unduhan yang disediakan di bawah ini. ReVanced Manager es un gestor que nos permite instalar modificaciones a la aplicación de YouTube y a otras muchas aplicaciones. Currently You see videos without ads and Amoledthemes Tap to seekbar, Background Play or minimised and it supports MicroG For Login, Disable to Create Button How to Install ReVanced Extended APK on Android. Para instalar YouTube ReVanced APK sigue los siguientes pasos: Descarga los archivos . Tras instalarla, podemos elegir una app que ya tengamos instalada en nuestro dispositivo. 3. But if you don't want to login, you can skip this. Download 144326. 43 | Tamaño: 97. Descarga los archivos APK de ReVanced y MicroG. إذا طُلب منك تمكين مصادر غير معروفة، فما عليك سوى تمكينها ومتابعة التثبيت. 2. Type ‘ReVanced Extended’ into the search bar and hit enter. Our Score. Bug Fixes. See what the world is watching -- from the hottest music videos to what’s popular in gaming, fashion, beauty, news, learning and more. 10 Comments / By revanced. Open the downloaded apk and tap “ Install “. Wait for the installation to complete. . Users love to watch videos on YouTube. الخطوة 3. Subscribe to channels you love, create content of your own, share with friends, and watch on any device. online. Get the latest and history versions of YouTube ReVanced free and safe on APKPure. You can watch YouTube videos on your phone with this app perfectly. Choose the app you want to modify. 36. Abre la app ReVanced y inicia sesión (opcional). Step 4. Go on an adventure to a continent full of fantastic creatures and legendary customs with young girls and boys. Versión – 19. Download ReVanced Apk from the above ReVanced download button: Step 4. También consta de ReVanced Music , que permite a los usuarios 3 days ago · Sometimes, you want to playback a video on YouTube but can’t. 11. 実行をタップする。. If you find a bug (), kindly open an issue here by including your issue and logs. Lanzouse recentemente e foi 100 veces mellor que outras aplicacións similares. apk - This NicroG app is modified and has clean UI for modern use, better experience, better sign in. Pick the patches you want to apply. 8. Step 3. Similarly, you can access other cool premium features at no cost and without your Google account logged in. What this setting does is basically converts your download button to external ReVanced APK. Community ReVanced Manager 1. apk de YouTube ReVanced y MicroG. Nov 16, 2023 · Method 1: ReVanced Extended for PC Installation without APK. Step 1: To begin, download the application you wish to patch from any source on the internet. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. While still in development, this software includes basic YouTube Vanced capabilities and remarkable fixes to preserve the Vanced history. . Y es que ninguno de estos mods tiene una función de actualización automática. Download the latest ReVanced Extended APK, an open-source version of YouTube that offers more features than standard ReVanced. 223. Justo debajo, podemos ir a la sección de parches y añadir las modificaciones que queramos. Mar 30, 2024 · Step 1 – First of all, download the YouTube Music ReVanced Extended Apk from the link available here. 33. 1. Descargar FA Plus APK 1. ReVanced es una aplicación personalizado y gratuito que sirve para reemplazar el YouTube Vanced descontinuado al incorporar a los usuarios funciones de aplicación similares y otras adicionales. Feb 29, 2024 · Requirements: 8. In this post, you will learn everything you need to know about the YouTube ReVanced app. deniscerri. Download thе RеVancеd Extеndеd APK filе. Step 2: Tap on the MicroG apk file and select the "Allow from this source". io para descargar o ficheiro RVX Manager Apk. schabi. Click on the search icon. Paso 2. About ReVanced Extended APK. Esta versión de YouTube bloquea todos los anuncios de los videos y le permite reproducir videos en segundo plano. File Size 99 . Unblocked Videos: A few YouTube videos have been banned from being shown here or have limited viewers. Open Cydia on your jailbroken iOS device. Spoofed Client Capabilities will help you do this easily and maximize everything YouTube can do that you are not allowed to do. Then go to External downloader package name and enter the package name. Or download and install latest pre-built version of ReVanced YouTube Extended and MicroG, then you can use ReVanced Please wait, while the server prepares the latest APK App for download Mar 31, 2024 · Step 3. ReVanced Extended APK provides features like no advertisements, sponsor block, Return dislikes, and many more. 02. 2023 May 24. First thing you have to download the Vanced Manager from the link given below, click on that, and you will be go in the download page. Apr 2, 2024 · Download new daily android applications apk files. ️ Si el video se detiene o no funciona, se recomienda intentar reiniciar YouTube o seguir los siguientes pasos: Acceder a Configuración de YouTube > Revanced Extended You will get premium branding in the YouTube ReVanced APK which is only available in original YouTube Premium. You can use any trusted repo that hosts the app, such as "https://apt. Jul 19, 2023 · Descargar YouTube Music ReVanced Extended Apk v6. Hit the Install button and wait for a few moments. 27. Tap on the install and done button. Open the Google Play Store from the emulator. Es más útil y tiene un montón de características interesantes. 37 para Android [Novo] Guía definitiva sobre "Enhancer para YouTube" Como evitar a detección de adblock de YouTube? [Método actualizado] Como ver YouTube sen anuncios? [Traballando 2023] Cómo descargar YouTube ReVanced. Jun 20, 2023 · Apk ampliada ReVanced Basicamente, esta nova aplicación é a nova e máis recente versión de modificación de YouTube desenvolvida e publicada por inotia00 para usuarios de Android e iPhone que queiran eliminar todas as limitacións e restricións que obteñan ao usar a aplicación orixinal de YouTube. 0+ Overview: YouTube ReVanced Extended is a Project Based on YouTube ReVanced. Mar 30, 2024 · Step 1: Download and Install MicroG Apk. Si requiere permitir fuentes desconocidas, permítelas y continúa la instalación. 40 For Android Phones to Enjoy Premium and Ads Free YouTube on your Smartphone. アプリを開き Jun 10, 2023 · Get the official YouTube app on Android phones and tablets. そうすると Mar 30, 2024 · Paso 1 - En primeiro lugar, descarga a Apk de MicroG e YouTube ReVanced desde a ligazón dispoñible nesta publicación. It was recently released and has been shown to be 100 times better than other applications of a similar nature. 不明なソースを有効にするかと問われたら、有効にしてインストールを続ける。. Apr 18, 2024 · Download. 5 ★ Standalone Android Package (No SAI needed) Package Name: com. Pero este sitio web permite un sistema de descarga cun só clic para obter un Apk premium. It's different for YT music. 07. Then download and install the MicroG APK from below. Aug 5, 2023 · Get the official YouTube app on Android phones and tablets. What's new Latest updated ReVanced Extended features, bug fixes and optimizations Youtube ReVanced APK is the Project continuous After Youtube Vanced. Paso 1 - Primeiro de todo, descarga a apk ampliada de YouTube Music ReVanced desde a ligazón dispoñible aquí. Aunque todavía está en sus primeras etapas, los desarrolladores están trabajando mucho para mejorar la experiencia del usuario. ReVanced Extended – a remarkably powerful YouTube mod equipped with an array of exciting features that you won’t find on the official YouTube app. To learn about the transformation of Chang'an with its organs and its technology. Now, tap on the APK file. Aug 20, 2023 · Como descargar e instalar RVX Manager Apk? Paso 1 - Para comezar, fai clic no botón de descarga que aparece Revancedextended. Download. Other interesting features include the ability to download videos up to 4K at 60 FPS, use sliders to change a video's volume or brightness, keep listening to a video even when your screen is off, and Main Features: Features the option of an amoled black theme to reduce eye and battery strain. Paso 2 - En segundo lugar, vai á pestana Configuración de seguranza para activar Fontes descoñecidas e continúa coa instalación do mod. 3 – ReVanced Integrations v0. The app is still in its infancy, but it offers some impressive tweaks to keep the core YouTube Vanced features and Vanced legacy alive. Download and install an Android Emulator for your PC. Now, Tap on the APK file. Trovala su Uptodown. Tap the ReVanced APK file too. Para descargar YouTube ReVanced, basta con dirigirte al sitio web oficial del proyecto. Inotia00, one of the brilliant minds behind YouTube ReVanced, has poured relentless effort into crafting his own iteration: ReVanced Extended. قم بتنزيل ملف ReVanced Extended APK وملف MicroG APK. Step 2. Teclee “Hecho”. Para dar permiso, activa a opción Instalar desde fontes descoñecidas na pestana Download the ReVanced Manager APK. Step 4: Get the YouTube Revanced apk file. It will open your phone’s storage. ReVanced TikTok is a modified version of the official TikTok app that removes ads, allows for background playback, and gives users more control over their experience. TryRoom. Step 2: Now open the “ReVanced Manager”. Forum rules. Mar 30, 2024 · Instalación directa. Discover a world of entertainment with trending music, gaming highlights, fashion tips, and educational content. Instala esta aplicación gratuíta e navega por YouTube de forma máis cómoda. 9MB. De hecho, ni siquiera ofrecen una opción para actualizarlos You may access MicroG, then navigate to Settings >> Accounts >> Remove MicroG Google Account. Step 1. 43 es la versión mod de YouTube. Download YouTube ReVanced APK file from the above. Sep 22, 2023 · ReVanced Extended. That’s it. Unless you will not be able to log in and connect your Google Account with YouTube ReVanced. YouTube ReVanced APK v19. Tap on the "Add" button in the top-left corner, and then type in the URL for the repo that hosts YouTube++. ReVanced Extended es una aplicación gratuita y de código abierto desarrollada por inotia00. 09. This may take a few minutes. youtube Languages: Full Multi Languages CPU architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86 YouTube - Hide layout components: Add option to hide horizontal shelves ; YouTube - Hide layout components: Hide playables ; YouTube - Hide Shorts components: Hide Shop, Location and Save sound to playlist buttons ; YouTube - Hide Shorts components: Hide tagged products, hide search suggestions Aug 20, 2023 · Colle a ligazón de descarga desde aquí e siga a guía que se menciona a continuación para rematar a instalación. Turn on Spoof Device in ReVanced >> Player >> & then reopen the ReVanced & Check. Step 2 On ReVanced Extended, there's also a feature called Return Dislike, which brings back the counter that shows the number of dislikes a video has. Follow and interact with channels you admire, craft your videos, and enjoy a seamless viewing experience on any device. 0 and up) ReVanced eXtended: Enhanced Modules and APKs for YouTube and YouTube Music. txt if possible. 37 para Android [Novo] Guía definitiva sobre "Enhancer para YouTube" Como evitar a detección de adblock de YouTube? [Método actualizado] Como ver YouTube sen anuncios? [Traballando 2023] 3. 52; Descargar YouTube ReVanced Apk v19. Ábrelo e inicia sesión con tu cuenta de Google. As the app is not available on the Google Play Store. YouTube ReVanced Extended (rufusin mod) 19. - husthuwd/revanced-youtube Oct 26, 2023 · Step 5: To Sync your Google Account with YouTube ReVanced app, You can sign in to the app using MicroG. Es una versión extendida de la Youtube ReVanced con algunas características adicionales de primera calidad. 39. Jun 20, 2023 · Como descargar ReVanced Extended Apk? O ficheiro Apk oficial é bastante sinxelo de conseguir no móbil. 以前にインストールされたバージョンの MicroG と YouTube ReVanced をすべて削除する。. 9. Get the most recent APK for the “ReVanced Extended” Android app. Step 5: Click on the “storage” option and choose the . 最初にMicroGを取り付け、次にReVanced Extendedを取り付ける。. Ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini untuk menginstal aplikasi. Stеp 2. Just go to Sеttings, thеn Sеcurity, thеn Unknown Sourcеs, and turn it on. This article explains the YouTube ReVanced App. ステップ3. When you feel bored and want some entertainment to make yourself. Step 3: Next, tap on install and wait for the installation to complete. Download the application on your device and enjoy watching all your videos. !REQUIRED, DOWNLOAD MICROG TO MAKE THE APP WORKS - ANDROID 9+ - Download here: microg-modern. Now, Tap on Modules, which is at the bottom right of the screen. Se incluye también la última versión de la app de MicroG, para que te puedas loggear Jul 19, 2023 · Como descargar e instalar ReVanced Manager? Paso 1 - Primeiro de todo, descargue o ReVanced Manager Apk desde a ligazón dispoñible no noso sitio web (ReVancedExtended. android. También te permite descargar videos y audio directamente en tu teléfono Android. Paso 4. Non importa cal sexa a túa opinión, sería útil cando comeces a usar ReVanced Extended. 最初にMicroG APKファイルのインストールを試す。. You may access MicroG, then navigate to Settings >> Accounts >> Remove MicroG Google Account. Open the Magisk app. ReVanced Extendedのインストール方法は?. 50. Dec 18, 2023 · Download YouTube older versions on Android. Sep 2, 2022 · ★★★ YouTube ReVanced by inotia00 ★★★ Compiled apk with: – ReVanced Cli v2. In Youtube ReVanced All Features are same as Vanced All Premium Features are Available and Released by ReVanced Devs. 4 days ago · Download the official YouTube app for Android phones and tablets to join the global viewing community. Descargar Manajer ReVanced. Now, Tap on the MicroG APK file and allow this source option. 5 – ReVanced Patches v2. revanced. com. Download the latest official APK from the above GitHub link. Is YouTube ReVanced Safe to Use? Some users are concerned about the safety of using YouTube ReVanced and It’s been a topic of discussion in the tech community. newpipe for newpipe. Blocks All videos ads and allows you to play videos in the background or in Picture in Picture (only on android 8. اضغط على تم. me/". To install the APK, complete the following steps: Feb 17, 2023 · To meet more people in the vast lands beyond the Canyon of the Kings. If you are new to this installation procedure, then you would be asked to allow unknown sources or allow this source option. الخطوة 2. Gracias a ello podremos acceder con nuestra cuenta de Google y sincronizar nuestra lista de suscripciones, nuestras recomendaciones, el historial, y un largo etcétera. 4 MB. Proses instalasinya sangat sederhana, sama seperti aplikasi lainnya. Para instalar ReVanced Extended, es necesario descargar e instalar MicroG. A descarga do ficheiro tardará entre uns segundos e un minuto. A continuación, instala el archivo ReVanced Extended APK. Non obstante, a edición premium desta aplicación é difícil de atopar. Download MicroG Apk. Baixo Agora. 3. So, you can multi-task more easily. Youtube ReVanced Extended Music v6. Currently You see videos without ads and Amoledthemes Tap to seekbar, Background Play or minimised and it supports MicroG For Login, Disable to Create Button 6 days ago · Download ReVanced Music Magisk Module from the above section. Apr 13, 2024 · The simplest way is to download Community ReVanced Manager and use it to install, manage, and update other ReVanced applications with user-friendly features designed for non-technical users. Bеforе you install RеVancеd Extеndеd, you have to allow your phonе to install apps from othеr placеs. After the installation is complete, tap on the Open button to launch the app. Scarica gratis ReVanced Extended per Android, una delle applicazioni più popolari dello sviluppatore NoName-exe. Finally, Tap on “ Done “. حاول تثبيت ملف MicroG APK أولاً. gms. Download ReVanced APK File. Step 5. Jul 27, 2023 · Follow these steps to install and run the application on your device. Click the Done button after the app gets installed successfully. Inside the app, download the patches. 4. Entón, fai clic no botón Descargar Apk para obter o ficheiro modificado. After successful installation, launch the Emulator. Stеp 1. Go to the file manager and find the APK file. 5. ReVanced helps you unlock them. Install ReVanced. É a aplicación perfecta para ver vídeos de YouTube no teu teléfono. Instala primero el APK de ReVanced. Create Date 22 September 2023. Luego instala el APK de MicroG. Pasos para obtener y usar YouTube ReVanced en tu dispositivo Android: Descarga el archivo APK de YouTube ReVanced desde el sitio web seguro como www. Descargar Revanced APK para Android aquí para disfrutar de toda la personalización de características. Tap on the ReVanced APK file and then tap on the Install button. Jul 19, 2023 · Aínda que algúns usuarios non están a favor de instalar varias aplicacións para facilitar o uso do mencionado mod de YouTube. 16. Jul 19, 2023 · Paso 1 - En primeiro lugar, descarga o apk de YouTube Black desde as ligazóns dispoñibles aquí. Still, you need that account to access all your liked videos, saved content, subscribed channels, and other YouTube preferences on the platform, and microG May 8, 2024 · YouTube ReVanced is an unofficial sequel to Youtube Vanced and is not related to Vanced, which aims to provide new features as well as those already seen in Vanced. (In ReVanced Extended: Turn on Spoof Test Client in ReVanced Extended/Miscellaneous) If you are not experiencing video buffering issues, you may disregard this announcement. Now, get back to the above download section and download the APK. 211. Enjoy ad-free YouTube viewing. tech / 22 September 2023. It is normally found in the download folder. Version 19. Pemasangannya semudah memasang aplikasi lain yang biasa Anda gunakan. 9 MB. 最新版のダウンロード MicroG そして YouTube ReVanced Extended. Si quieres disfrutar de una aplicación de YouTube mejorada, puedes descargar el APK de ReVanced 6 days ago · Download the MicroG APK file first. 0 - La Mejor Aplicación para ver Películas y Series 2023. You can view your favorite videos by looking at your other apps. disable proguard obfuscation ( 401646a) Do not crash when selecting an APK from storage ( #1768) ( 8564c1a) Don't translation ReVanced repository ( c265794) Ensure safe area usage in Changelogs Modal Bottom Sheet ( #1772) ( c981cb4) Pre-releases changelog being shown ( #1767) ( add49e1) Replace Spacer with Expanded to avoid overflow Apr 20, 2023 · YouTube ReVanced APK es una aplicación gratuita, pero con funciones únicas y mejoradas en comparación con su predecesor YouTube Vanced. alfhaily. Then there was the download button click on that and here you Vanced Manager will start downloading, so let the downloading process complete to the 100%. May 12, 2022 · Download YouTube Vanced, TikTok Vanced, and Vanced Manager APKs for an ad-free, enhanced streaming experience. Go to Settings> ReVanced Extended> Action Bar> Hook download button ( enable ). Wait for the installation process to complete. 5 days ago · YouTube ReVanced APK is the official Vanced replacement. Paso 3 - Por último, a instalación comezará uns segundos despois de facer clic no ficheiro descargado. Step 3: You will the “Patcher” icon on the bottom of the app. Tap on the Install from Storage option. Paso 2 - Antes de continuar coa instalación, vai á configuración para activar a opción para fontes Apr 5, 2024 · YouTube Pro v26 [APK] ¡ÚLTIMA VERSIÓN! abril 05, 2024. Tap the APK file to install it. Mar 30, 2024 · Descarga o APK máis recente de "ReVanced Extended" Aplicación de Android. Apr 30, 2024 · How to Install ReVanced Manager APK? Installation of the Manager App is very simple, and everyone can able to install the APK file on their rooted and non-rooted Android devices. From there, they can choose the latest version of ReVanced Extended APK and proceed by clicking on the download button. Android security may ask you to enable unknown sources, simply enable it and continue the installation. com. ReVanced Manager. Para instalar YouTube ReVanced en tu Android, sigue estos pasos: 1. Then, Tap on it. ステップ2. ytdl for ytdlnis. Paso 1 - En primer lugar, descargue MicroG y YouTube ReVanced Apk desde el enlace disponible en esta publicación. Para otorgar permiso, active la opción Instalar desde fuentes May 7, 2024 · Youtube ReVanced APK is the Project continuous After Youtube Vanced. Apr 5, 2024 · The YouTube ReVanced APK lets you stream videos without ads or sponsor segments. 52 [Non Root] [2. 25. Build your own APK; ReVanced for iOS; FAQ; Stay tuned for more updates to our ReVanced YouTube Extended by rufusin. org. También puedes recurrir a páginas webs de terceros que ofrezcan servicios APK. io). Paso 2 - Antes de continuar con la instalación, confirme si se permite la instalación de aplicaciones de terceros en su versión de Android. Una vez en nuestro sitio web presione el boton de » Descargar », te faciltamos la busqueda a continuación. Mentres valoras os pros e os contras de descargar o ReVanced MicroG Apk, recomendámosche que o instales para aforrar tempo. For Non-Rooted Device. Then restart YT Music. fe of ht hc xd fc nb ow hk ef