Openwrt dependencies. Jan 11, 2024 · If dependency is not installed , message can be:-bash: git: command not found If trying Debian terminal command second time, message can be one of these: fatal: destination path 'openwrt_19. 0 File size: 16kB License: GPL-2. What do I miss? Oct 6, 2023 · I have an openwrt sdk with external toolchain (crosstools-arm-gcc-5. git clone git: // git. I did the usual git download of the current tree, git checkout v19. However, executing this script with python3 gives errors. 7, then updated and installed feeds, make menuconfig. I compile openwrt-trunk with external toolchain: toolchain-arm_cortex-a9_gcc-5. SQM is heavily CPU dependent. 06. so, libgcc. Nov 1, 2017 at 16:39. Pass the host and build to the build system of the package to trigger cross-compile. Get the source code: Dec 10, 2023 · libmbedtls12. This post is now deleted. Mind that this is likely to fail for kernel related packages (kmods). 02 or master branch if you are building from source. Instead of contaminating your machine with lots of build dependencies, which vary per operating system, we put the OpenWRT buildroot in a separated virtual machine using Docker (Understanding docker). This is a common problem with external toolchain. This makes it easier for a team to work on an OpenWRT project. 07' already exists and is not an empty directory. 18-3) to root May 8, 2024 · If you're using OpenWrt >=22. ipk and installing a package manually from file: # cd /tmp. My guess is that "it built everything" isn't completely correct and that something along the way went wrong. Oct 15, 2021 · OpenWrt Buildroot – Installation. For GNU configure, use --build= architecture -unknown-linux-gnu --host= architecture -openwrt-linux-uclibc (for example: . Description: The aim of the mbedtls project is to provide a quality, open-source\\ cryptographic library written in C and targeted at embedded systems. E. leventelist May 16, 2019, 2:30pm 1. so" then it matches also "some2file. Compile newer versions of certain packages for a specific release. Dec 10, 2023 · libmbedtls12. fatal: destination path 'openwrt_21. opkg can install packages provided to it explicitly, but it doesn't really help you with this task - meaning you need to provide all necessary packages (including their dependencies) by hand. Navigate to LuCI → System → Software. When changing packages through the make menuconfig, I observe the following feature: I delete firewall and firewall4 pakages. na7kr May 30, 2023, 2:46pm Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: libc, librt, libpthread, libpcre2, libnettle8 Categories: network---web-servers-proxies If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, . 0 packages have now dependencies to packages that have been updated since the release of the old 23. GNU/Linux 用户可能会对 apt-get , aptitude , pacman , yum 等比较熟悉,也会看出其相似之处。. org / openwrt. will remove unused dependencies, I get this: root@LEDE:~# opkg remove --autoremove '*'. This package contains the mbedtls library. Description: GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS\\ and DTLS protocols and technologies around them. info ipsec: 00 [LIB] feature CUSTOM:libcharon-receiver in critical plugin 'charon' has unmet dep Oct 3, 2015 · Using AirVPN with OpenWRT This guide is for users who want to set up a OpenWRT (Chaos Calmer) router and have it already up and running without modification. May 1, 2021 · I updated openwrt 19 stable to openwrt 21 stable on an TP-Link Archer C7 V2 AC1750 (openwrt-19. 2-P1 and 9. when you use a extern toolchain to build openWRT, it needs libc. We apologize for interrupting today's programming for these messages 😃 but #9283 was only half resolved. opkg 工具 (一个 ipkg 变种) 是一个用来从本地软件仓库或互联网软件仓库上下载并安装 OpenWrt 软件包的轻量型软件包管理器。. 0 Maintainer: OpenWrt team Bug report: Bug reports Source code: Sources Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: kernel, kmod-nfnetlink, kmod-nf-conntrack Categories: kernel-modules Repositories: base OpenWrt release: OpenWrt-22. Dec 21, 2021 · kmod-ipt-core. g. 0 Maintainer: OpenWrt team Bug May 24, 2021 · I am trying to compile a custom image for a device. This library is currently used by conntrack-tools. What I meant when I said the OpenWrt libpthread package was empty was that it was literally empty. 02 was frozen except for security backports in February, 2019. Therefore it is appropriate that the dependency is added to the Makefile. I have a Linksys ea7300. 1-2. HEAD detached at v18. Jan 1, 2014 · lperkov commented on Oct 16, 2016. It should carry over the lists/domains you've been allowing/blocking with simple-adblock and also stop and disable simple-adblock Jun 27, 2017 · libnetfilter_queue is a userspace library providing a programming\\ interface (API) to the in-kernel connection tracking state table. 93-1-4dec6cc91a7… Dec 10, 2023 · package: libgnutls. In comparison, “classic” AQM only manages queue length and “classic” QoS only does prioritization. h etc. 93 wait instruction : yes microsecond timers : yes tlb_entries : 32 extra interrupt vector : yes hardware watchpoint : yes, count: 4, address/irw mask: [0x0ffc, 0x0ffc, 0x0ffb, 0x0ffb] isa : mips1 mips2 mips32r1 mips32r2 Feb 2, 2015 · For > example if we would have "some. tar. Yes, this is an OpenWrt buildroot integrity check to ensure that your program package depends on all libraries it requires. Or to put it in simpler terms, OpenWrt's build system doesn't contain any executables or even sources. Dear developers, I'm compiling a package against OpenWRT, and am getting this error, which gives me some head scratching. You can ignore build errors if you encounter unmaintained packages that fail to compile, assuming this doesn't affect kernel and core dependencies. OpenWrt Buildroot – Usage. May 30, 2023 · When you get the message “Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for…” it is most likely because you installed a snapshot version of OpenWrt. Yes, I saw the FAQ. 2024-01-22_133742 827×469 77. It provides a simple\\ C language application programming interface (API) to access the secure\\ communications protocols as well as APIs to parse and write X Jul 29, 2022 · Installing and Using OpenWrt. N. With loadbalancing/failover support for up to 250 wan\\ interfaces, connection tracking and an easy to manage traffic ruleset. so, just cant find libz in the libraries or compression. These are the changes: It seems that this script means that when building libatomic has gone from not being required to being required. 1 means the tag v18. /scripts/feeds update -a # It has similar dependencies as xtables-addon. 11. Usually as a workaround I place libc. 3, libc, libnl-tiny1, hostapd-common, libubus20220601 If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, Oct 15, 2021 · Download and unpack the code to be compiled, change into the unpacked directory. Post #3. git trunk. 0. I can't open the web interface and login to the panel. Name: libgnutls. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4. eduperez July 27, 2020, 6:30am 2. I have DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp in my Makefile and libstdc++ enabled in the build config. /scripts/feeds/install -a I get this: Did you run ". wget-ssl needed librt which was unavailable so I installed wget-nossl. As far as dnsmasq-full, remove dnsmasq if you want to use dnsmasq-full, or set it to modulare [m] in menuconfig. 8. 0_glibc. 02-SNAPSHOT r16577-75cbd8de00 to the latest 22. 0-rc2 on linksys ea8300. /scripts/feeds install xtables-addons Jan 6, 2022 · To satisfy -lpthread, create an empty AR archive somewhere in the library search path. FLASH_TIME=$ (opkg info busybox | grep '^Installed-Time: '); for i in Aug 21, 2017 · Hey! How are you? Do you guys where is the libz. The errors is as follows Package helloworldcpp is missing dependencies for the following libraries: libstdc+… Dec 28, 2018 · git branch -a. 0 File size: 12kB License: GPL-2. $ make menuconfig tmp/. Luci is not installed by default and I'm trying to get it working. But, how to do that? opkg list-installed isn't what I need, because Apr 2, 2023 · Solution #2: Try to install via opkg with option --force-depends (=Install/remove despite failed dependencies). First install packages unzip and wget-ssl, then download v2ray-core and move it to /usr/bin/ (precompiled builds can be found in v2ray-core/releases ), and finally give the binary file executable permission. Get the source code: Jun 15, 2021 · Installing and Using OpenWrt. g: cp /tmp/v2ray-core/v2ray /usr/bin/. luci-app-firewall module for Luci is automatically added. in the OpenWrt directory will say what you are using in the first line. DEPENDS - (optional) Which packages Feb 10, 2019 · I would enable generation of logs in advanced developer options (as I recall), especially as you're setting IGNORE_ERRORS. 6 Install libc++ in openwrt by "opkg update; opkg install libstdcpp" 2) Copy "/usr Aug 16, 2018 · it says missing dependencies with libcurl. config-package. To solve that, specify DEPENDS:=+libcurl in your Package/xxx section. There are several variables available: DEPENDS: If you say +package that means if the current package is selected, it will cause package to be selected. Jun 4, 2022 · Environment: (mvebu/cortexa9, Linksys WRT32X , OpenWrt 22. Moving back to 21. Dec 8, 2020 · Then I run make and my test package is built for my architecture successfully, however when I try to install the resulting . 0 Maintainer: OpenWrt team Bug report: Bug reports Source code: Sources Jan 31, 2020 · Hi All, I have tried to build openwork with external toolchain toolchain-x86_64_gcc-7. SQM is an integrated system that performs per-packet/per-flow network scheduling, active queue management (AQM), traffic shaping, rate limiting, and QoS prioritization. Jan 29, 2024 · Package v2ray-core has been available since OpenWrt 22. 03. 03 stable release. The resulting logs are in . files and no *. But I got this: ~# opkg install iperf3. Some 23. Dependencies: libc, libmnl, libnfnetlink. config as the OpenWrt developers do -- that is, usually, build multiple targets, select all targets, select all kmods -- then you should end up with the same vermagic, and so you will be able to use OpenWrt's pre-build kernel modules. cd openwrt. Greetings. Description: Hotplug script which makes configuration of multiple WAN interfaces simple\\ and manageable. Installing python-pip was not possible due to available data, after opkg remove python-base and trying opkg install python-base again, not even installing this package was possible: root@dragino-227794:~# opkg install python-base. Install these dependencies by # preparing for xtables-addons. openwrt. Feb 23, 2018 · By following the EXTROOT configuration guide, I was told to remove the packages I have installed: These devices should have enough space to install the packages we need. It implements the OpenConnect SSL VPN protocol, and has also (currently experimental) compatibility with clients using the AnyConnect SSL VPN protocol. Jan 16, 2022 · Dependencies: hostapd-common_2022-01-16-cff80b4f-18. 02. Jan 11, 2018 · is about the packages that where installed automatically when I installed some other packages, not about the system packages! So believing that. In order to completely remove IPv6 support and related packages you also need to ask the imagebuilder to do so by also passing this option to the make command: “CONFIG_IPV6=n”. newUsertoday August 17, 2018, 8:39am 9. Installed size: 7kB. ipk file on my router it shows me this error: Collected errors: * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for test: * libiwinfo20200105. 5. Click Update lists button to fetch a list of available packages. When I install dnsmasq-full, it tells me Jun 10, 2023 · Listing user installed packages for when restoring OpenWrt config Installing and Using OpenWrt. Oct 14, 2021 · The vermagic is defined by the kernel version and the build symbols used. 6. Migration script from simple-adblock is included and ran after the installation. Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: kernel, kmod-lib-crc32c, kmod-crypto-md5, kmod-crypto-hmac Categories: kernel-modules Repositories: base OpenWrt release: OpenWrt-22. bin) ddns in luci complained I didn't have wget installed, so I looked in the packages. . Maintainer: @pprindeville @Thermi Environment: OpenWrt master Description: There seem to be some missing deps. 1-glibc-2. I add basic support for Luci. CONFIG_BUILD_LOG=y. anon22604728 July 29, 2022, 4:33am 1. 1). : ar -rc /usr/lib/libpthread. from shutil import copyfile. 03 you will also need to specify --netfilter-mode=off. Apr 1, 2024 · In the graphical configuration, select “Build the OpenWrt Image Builder” to build the image builder, then select Global Build Settings → Select all packages by default, save and exit. o ones or Sep 23, 2021 · martin4 September 23, 2021, 10:27am 1. The problem is when I 'opkg install luci' it doesn't install any actual files. 3 KB. If you use the same options / same . 它与 NSLU2 上同样用于嵌入式 Sep 20, 2018 · This can either happen when your Makefile uses the wrong gcc, or - which is more likely when sticking to the examples - your C source directory is not clean and already contains precompiled object files or final executables made for the host. 26-binutils-2. Version: 2. Perhaps you can update your patch then so that it applies cleanly to master? I cannot apply it, but you'll have a better chance of getting it accepted if it applies cleanly. princeofdream. I'm trying to build a new package and receive the following error: Package boringssl is missing dependencies for the following libraries: libstdc++. py". Installing python-base (2. Where is it? Thanks! Happy building, Patrik Apr 7, 2023 · @jempatel @jow- @samm-git The LuCI app luci-app-apinger was recently backpo … rted&cherry-picked to 22. :-) You Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: kernel, kmod-nf-tproxy, kmod-nf-conntrack, kmod-ipt-core Categories: kernel-modules Repositories: base OpenWrt release: OpenWrt-22. Hi all, I am a little bit confused about how to correctly use dependencies in an openWRT feed makefile. 0 File size: 3kB License: GPL-2. \\. Dec 10, 2023 · Name: mwan3. /logs of the root of the source tree. 7-1. Make sure that your source directory is clean and contains only *. deyloTT August 24, 2022, 4:51pm 1. 6. Switch to Installed packages tab to show and Jul 21, 2022 · import uuid. ko nf_nat_redirect. 02' already exists and is not an empty directory. I installed openwrt on one of my devices and have been trying to install python2 but to no avail (i got python3 to install). 0_musl-1. so" > and it could not detect missing dependency. 14_eabi First, I setup the use the external toolchain options. It is a metapackage but doesn't install any of the dependent packages. Jul 1, 2021 · Wait until buildbot has built the updated packages. Apr 19, 2021 · For Developers. You would be far better served by using 21. 0 File size: 139kB Jan 22, 2024 · Morpheus68 January 22, 2024, 10:40am 1. LuCI was founded in March 2008 as “FFLuCI” as part of the efforts to create a port of the Freifunk-Firmware from the OpenWrt branch White Russian to its successor branch Kamikaze . Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: libc, lua, luci-lib-nixio, If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. Package kmod-ipt-nat is missing dependencies for the following libraries: nf_nat_ipv4. chmod +x /usr/bin/v2ray. So -qxF is a more than bit > better. OpenWrt now supports this library. 02 fixes this problem. 05. 7 Jul 2017, 04:38. This now has a dependency on libzstd. 07. Categories: 5 days ago · This can be mitigated with SQM. All per the usual. mkdir openwrt. Thought I would share this, thanks to chatgpt and GitHub gist by “devkid” This will list all user installed packages, space separated so you can easily type opkg install . is also firewall package is automatically added. 03 by @jow- , but that LuCI app apparently requires the apinger-rrd that does not exist in 22. – Segfault. The SDK is a pre-compiled toolchain designed to cross compile packages for a specific target without compiling the whole system from scratch. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Feb 14, 2021 · package: libopenssl. Jun 23, 2019 · Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. I have a script that i usually run on my devices with "python2 script. opkg remove --autoremove '*'. Version: 1. Remove all packages you have installed to add functionality, as they are only wasting space now. Apr 21, 2022 · Using the SDK. /configure --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=mips OPKG 软件包管理. opkg selects the largest version. When I start the compilation, I get many warnings about missing dependencies. The snapshot version I installed is: openwrt-brcm2708-bcm2711-rpi-4-ext4-factory - date: Fri Feb 14 01:49:43 2020 I have run the following two commands: … May 16, 2019 · For Developers. Following this page I installed the Snapshot Install and it boots fine and I can ssh in. ko These are cre… Sep 3, 2023 · This is a replacement/new version for the simple-adblock package, which couldn't have been taken further while keeping the existing config file structure, hence the new package/name. Matthias April 19, 2021, 8:33am 1. 14 kernel, and building from main. Open the Machines page in the Tailscale admin interface. Whenever I have to play with it on Ubuntu I have these 3 'one-liners' to install it, if you try and modify it to match your OS I'm sure it'll work for you: Download opkg release Feb 14, 2021 · Dependencies: libc, libmbedtls, ca-bundle Categories: libraries If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. Dec 10, 2023 · If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. with the imagebuilder) by removing packages that are not needed for your usecase. It sounds like you are using somehow non-standard package. file. Unfortunately, OpenWrt is stil by default stripping all shared libs in such a way as you can't actually compile against them. 03 build, the transmision gets errors. Feb 15, 2021 · root@OpenWrt:/mnt/sda1# cat /proc/cpuinfo system type : Atheros AR9344 rev 2 machine : Western Digital My Net N750 processor : 0 cpu model : MIPS 74Kc V4. I'm running OpenWrt 20. Dec 4, 2016 · I seldom see a very quick way to compile your own images. 1. Oct 31, 2020 · Newbie here so maybe I'm doing something simple incorrectly. Tasks you can do with the SDK: Compile custom software for a specific release while ensuring binary and feature compatibility. Mar 20, 2020 · Hi all I just installed Openwrt on my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. Sun Aug 1 02:18:18 2021 daemon. Ok, downloading the . 5-linux-4. 12 BogoMIPS : 278. gz and se this build error: nstall -m0755 /home/knatarajan/p4 Mar 19, 2018 · When I run . Opkg doesn't really have a 'release' you can just install - that is because it needs native libraries of your OS and it can be used in a very wide array of OSs. a. Note that failing/incompatible kernel modules may cause the device to crash or not to reboot properly. Installed size: 238kB. Oct 4, 2022 · in your openwrt directory: (to get rid of packages not found dependencies) AND pre make defconfig (!): Those dependencies are optional (for very specific build configurations) and usually not needed, that's why pam is in the feeds, rather than the base tree (where it would have to be, in order to avoid these warnings). 0 International Feb 26, 2024 · The OpenWrt build system takes a different approach to building a firmware: it downloads, patches and compiles everything from scratch, including the cross compiler. So I Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: libc, tc, kmod-sched-cake, kmod-ifb, iptables, iptables-mod-ipopt Categories: base-system If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, Aug 18, 2023 · First I checked to see if my my box had iperf3 installed and, after removing iperf, installed it to then login to the WDMyBook via SSH to install it there also. 2u-1. There are many pages in the terminal about these, here is a sample: make -j1 V=sc WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages Sep 25, 2021 · OpenConnect server (ocserv) is an SSL VPN server. It is an automated system for downloading the sources, patching them to work Aug 6, 2023 · satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for luci-app-pgyvpn: pgyvpn The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Jul 31, 2021 · strongswan: Add dependency to virtual package strongswan-mod-socket Thermi/packages. So if you want to build OpenWrt with its internally-supplied llvm, you need to get libzstd: Package memwatch is missing dependencies for the following libraries: libc. It speaks of a libpthread stub that is distributed with musl for compatibility. slh July 29, 2022, 4:40am 2. Now every opkg command fails. Dec 22, 2022 · Recent snapshots have updated to using llvm 15. 14. Its purpose is to be a secure, small, fast and configurable VPN server. Fill in Filter field and click Find package button to search for a specific package. * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package test. You are evaluating the target default packages, but not the device specific packages (like WiFi drivers, firmware, special button drivers) that vary inside a target. 7. Jul 27, 2020 · Collected errors: * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for luci-app-adblock: * ca-bundle * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-app-adblock. \\. 03-SNAPSHOT r19385-f765f2f114) Description: after migrating from OpenWrt 21. Did you execute "opkg update" first? Apr 21, 2020 · What is LuCI. Once you've found the machine from the ellipsis icon menu, open the Edit route settings. . Mar 12, 2022 · Make sure you have all the pre-reqs for Arch? Edit: 19. Switch to Available packages tab to show and install available packages. 5-1. 2 participants. in:103098:error: recursive dependency detected! Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: libgcc1 Categories: base-system Repositories: base OpenWrt release: OpenWrt-22. Solution #3: Make local copy of snapshot packages (not Dec 11, 2017 · That dependency is supposed to get fulfilled automatically if you build with standard settings. This guide will work with a router that has more than one network interface and at least 8 MB flash (because of the dependencies). It should be libopenssl not libssl and libcrypto. 28. pulseaudio: fix recursive dependencies micmac1/packages. Here is one: Install dependencies for building OpenWrt (Debian/Ubuntu): sudo apt install subversion g++ zlib1g-dev build-essential git python time. 8-ath79-generic-tplink_archer-c7-v2-squashfs-sysupgrade. Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: libc, sqm-scripts Categories: luci---applications If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. IMHO, stdc++ is included be default. Version: 3. UchihaYuki June 15, 2021, 9:20am 1. so from the toolchain. Sep 11, 2020 · Some packages use opennssl, and will causes errors like this. so into base-files package. I am using the Ubiquiti 4. The OpenConnect VPN protocol uses the standard IETF security protocols May 12, 2021 · I am NOT using the OpenWrt kernel. The initial reason for this project was the absence of a free, clean, extensible and easily maintainable web user interface for embedded devices. So you should specify the toolchain lib path in make menuconfig --> Base system -->libc Configuration --> libc direcotery, for ex, mine is. /scripts/feeds update -a" after cloning the source tree, before running that install script? Mar 22, 2022 · there are some clear problems with the correct dependency detection of packages such as kmod-mt7915e. There are two package versions: from persistent kmods repository and from mainstream snapshot repository. The opkg install command failed with code 255 . Aug 24, 2022 · Installing and Using OpenWrt. B: the important change here was using the correct library name. Collected errors: * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency libc for iperf3. 4. 0 File size: 8kB License: GPL-3. Description: The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust,\\ commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure\\ Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well\\ as a full-strength general purpose Feb 24, 2024 · OpenWrt dependency system has weaknesses regarding ABI versioning in non-core kernel dependent packages like ucode. panel, and approve exported routes and or enable the Use as exit node option. so. Name: libopenssl. Removing package kmod-usb-storage from root kmod-scsi-core was autoinstalled and 5. Sep 12, 2019 · Solution: You can save some space while compiling your own image (e. 3. Jan 19, 2019 · Hello! In current snapshot: opkg update opkg install openvpn-openssl Collected errors: * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for openvpn-openssl: * kernel (= 4. Although I've NEVER been able to get dnsmasq-full to fully build even with [m] (I build with CONFIG_ALL to build all packages). Package qflash is missing dependencies for the following libraries: libstdc++. 0-with-GCC-exception Jun 26, 2018 · There were changes in bind's configure script between 9. Unknown package 'iperf3'. Read here for possible solutions. Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: libc Categories: network---firewall Repositories: base OpenWrt release: OpenWrt-22. Ubus was updated yesterday, and the Luci package did not yet know about the new version when you tried installing it. Putting the dependency in the eval BuildPackage call or in the define Package/amld block would both have worked if the correct name had been used. Until WNDR3700 support is integrated into a release, you'll need to execute the following commands to pull down the latest bleeding-edge code: cd ~. Dec 10, 2023 · Dependencies: kernel, kmod-nfnetlink, kmod-nf-reject, If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. After you make the extroot you will have all space you need. sudo apt install libncurses5-dev gawk gettext unzip file libssl-dev wget. (maybe the package has been compiled with cglibc instead of musl C library, or something like that) Mar 13, 2023 · Manage packages using web interface. c, *. 6, libpthread.
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