Revanced extended microg 2024. Once logged in, close the MicroG app. Unduh mMicroG dari atas atau GitHub. الخطوة 4. 不明なソースを有効にするかと問われたら、有効にしてインストールを続ける。. com» y «revanced. Therefore, older versions of MicroG than v0. 9. ReVanced Extended là phiên bản khác của Dự án ReVanced gốc. Here is how I fixed: 1. So, if you are wanting premium features in normal YouTube then you should switch to YouTube ReVanced as you will get Premium features without charging Aug 10, 2023 · Here, download the latest YouTube Revanced Extended APK v18. そうすると إصدار MicroG v0. MicroG is a free software clone of Google’s proprietary core libraries and applications. Aug 20, 2023 · mMicroG Apk v0. google. Download. This feature-rich application has a built-in AD-Blocker for an enhanced streaming experience. This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 4, 2024. These files are essential for the proper functioning of the app. Tap on the APK file. It has extra features over the regular ReVanced. The 2 most popular forks mentioned here generally don't need to be updated since they removed a lot of irrelevant stuff and only concern the most basic components just to have Revanced run. Nếu khởi chạy ứng dụng YouTube Jika tidak, Anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi “App not installed ss package conflicts with an existing package ” karena ketidakcocokan keystore. I deleted previous microg, rvx manager YT revanced extended 2. jar Changelog Basically the real upstream of Vanced MicroG is GmsCore by the microG org. Download MicroG Apk. 37 There is no Revanced microG. 37 along with the Vanced Music APK v6. YouTube ReVanced Extended (rufusin mod) 19. If your device is old enough, or if your device’s hardware specifications aren’t good enough, this option may work for you. 43 Patches version: v2. 240913 ReVanced Extended adalah versi bercabang dari Proyek ReVanced asli. As far as I know you need root access and signature spoof to install the original microG because it need to be a system app to work as a google services replacement. Android security may ask you to enable unknown sources, simply enable it and continue the installation. 25. ReVanced Extended (RVX) is a complete fork of ReVanced. YouTube Music ReVanced Extended Apk v6. 231613. 1 Build: release Model: M2012K11AG Android version: 13 Supported architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi Root permissions: Yes - Patch Info App: com. 45. Apr 13, 2024 · The simplest way is to download Community ReVanced Manager and use it to install, manage, and update other ReVanced applications with user-friendly features designed for non-technical users. Open it, check if its Vanced, restart the phone. YouTube Premium. Step 5: Open the App and Log In. Improved battery notification info. Download 144326. Setting up is a breeze – just as simple as installing any other app you’re accustomed to. Mar 30, 2024 · Another option which was commented on that Reddit post is to Force Stop YouTube from your device app settings. This is how I did it, its working flawlessly. 9 MB. 17. 8. Langkah 4. Then hit the 'Done' button. Find YT APK you downloaded, select patch on the bottom right corner. Download the latest ReVanced Extended APK, an open-source version of YouTube that offers more features than standard ReVanced. indirdiğiniz youtube . Bước2. Still, the development continues concurrently with three developers: anddea, rufusin, and yt-advanced. Mar 30, 2024 · What is “ReVanced Extended”? It is the third-party modified version of YouTube. This really is usually just a network issue, try with ProtonVPN, it's the one I trust. قم بتنزيل mMicroG من الأعلى أو من GitHub. Today, we will learn about an awesome app alternative to YouTube, which provides better features than the official YouTube. Chuyển đến thư mục tải xuống và nhấn vào tệp APK MicroG. 231613 Download For Android [Old Version] mMicroG is here to take over the popular Vanced MicroG and ReVanced MicroG. So, this one also is an open-source project that can be found here. Wait for the patching to be complete. Extended started as fun or more like a personal project by inotia00 – the guy who maintained Vanced after EOL. ไม่จำเป็นต้องใช้ Google. Apparently, numerous people have tried spoofing and it has worked temporarily but Force Stopping once has been the fix those people have been looking for. 09. With YouTube ReVanced Extended, you can continue listening to your favorite videos even when the app is closed or your device is locked. Today, inotia00 released the final ReVanced Extended patch release and archived all code repositories relating to ReVanced Extended. Step 3. アンドロイドのシステムが不明なソースを有効にすると通知した場合、有効化し Please wait, while the server prepares the latest APK App for download ReVanced without Vanced microG. 234914 – بحجم 6 ميجابايت; خطوات التثبيت. Patches can be created for any Android app. 11. To do this, go to your device settings, navigate to the security section, and toggle on the option There are very useful features in YouTube ReVanced like disabling advertisements, Sponsor Block, Remove Watermark, supporting MicroG, Customization of app icons, Background Play, and many more. Bước 2: Kích hoạt các nguồn không xác định và cài đặt MicroG. CLI: inotia00/revanced-cli-4. Mở phần mềm lên và Jul 19, 2023 · ReVanced MicroG is a must-have application for YouTube ReVanced users if they want to set up the app hassle-free. However there is a new fork out there, MicroG-RE, that's making the rounds that works with Revanced and RVX and is based off a more up to date version of GMS. youtube . 39. Với phiên bản Mở rộng, bạn có thể nhận được nhiều tính năng hơn mà chưa được giới thiệu trong dự án chính thức. 38以上)を使用し、YT設定 -> ReVanced Extended -> その他からプレイヤーのパラメータースプーフィング を有効にしてください。 Step 1: Start by downloading the ReVanced Extended APK file and the MicroG APK file. At present, inotia00 has put this version on hold. Step 5. Apr 15, 2024 · MicroGやManager不要、YouTube ReVanced ExtendedのMagisk Module版を導入する. apk versiyonunu indir ama kurma. Jika Anda diminta untuk mengaktifkan sumber tidak dikenal, aktifkan saja dan lanjutkan instalasi. Tap on the install and done button. انتقل إلى إعدادات Android >> التطبيقات >> Vanced MicroG >> إلغاء التثبيت. Wait for it to finish, install app. بفضل هذا سنكون قادرين على الوصول باستخدام حساب Google الخاص بنا ومزامنة قائمة الاشتراكات والتوصيات والسجل وما إلى ذلك. This may take a few minutes. Was using Vanced from many many years, never faced any issue in Samsung Note 10 Lite with one ui v4. 234914 and pop up message "MicroG is not found" Did I miss a step somewhere to use the new patch - v2. 3. Langkah 3. Most of these platforms have one feature in common: they are all subscription-based. Una vez lo hagas, sigue estos pasos para instalar YouTube Vanced con el nuevo ReVanced-GmsCore: Dec 5, 2023 · When you are done selecting the patches press “ Done ” and then press “ Patch ”. 37 from apkmirror, patch it with Revanced manager and use Vanced MicroG (99% of ReVanced users use a device with Google play services and need VancedMicroG for compatibility). 43 MOD APK (NonRoot/Extended/Black Dark/Experimental) 26-03-2024 (1 month ago) . If you are interested in trying out the new ReVanced Extended, you are in the right place. Wait for the installation to complete. Step 2: Before installing the MicroG APK, you may need to enable unknown sources on your device. tech / 22 September 2023. 最初にMicroG APKファイルのインストールを試す。. 3. Ketuk file APK. File Size 99 . Páginas web como «revancedextended. ステップ2. Cài đặt MicroG APK trước. It makes it possible to use key account-based features such as subscriptions, playlists, and watch history. Jan 10, 2024 · 8. Now, install the ReVanced Extended APK file. 1-all. 1-(Optional) Backup your settings from RvX to import into ReX: Open ReVanced Extended settings -> Miscellaneous -> Import/Export -> Export as [Desired Option] 2- Fully Uninstall ReVanced Extended and MicroG (if this is your first time using any Vanced/ReVanced app, this step does not apply) لتثبيتReVanced Extended ، فمن الضروري قم بتنزيل وتثبيت MicroG . Open the downloaded apk and tap “ Install “. microG is an open source replacement for google services. Bottom right corner choose Storage. Tap on done. jar Integrations: inotia00/revanced-integrations-1. حمِّل تطبيق ReVanced Extended من الأعلى وقم بتثبيته. It is a fork of the MicroG’s GmsCore project. Mar 30, 2024 · Step 1: Download and Install MicroG Apk. Version v0. It usually takes 2–5 minutes. apk Patches: inotia00/revanced-patches-4. im using android 13 on costum miui 14 rom (miuisr v14) - Device Info ReVanced Manager: 1. Join us as we redefine your YouTube experience. Since most devices released after about 6-7 years ago support the vp9 codec, most users do not need to enable the setting. Sep 22, 2023 · ReVanced Extended. 10. I then downloaded revanced microg or gms then I logged in afterwards I clicked the option self check where below I enabled Battery optimisation ignored option 3. 52. Vanced MicroG in itself is already ReVanced does not distribute any proprietary file but instead provides open-source patches. Device settings>Battery>high power consumption apps> turned on the Battery optimization 4. patcher > select an application > youtube 3. The ReVanced Manager will use the patcher as its core to apply patches of your choice on your desired app. It's FREE Get V𝙿N Now. Open the Magisk app. Mar 29, 2024 · Lo primero que tienes que hacer es desinstalar la app de YouTube y GmsCore (MicroG) que tenías en tu móvil. It is now read-only. Jika Anda meluncurkan aplikasi YouTube Revanced Extended tanpa mengunduh MicroG atau PowerTube, Anda mungkin tidak akan mMicroGは、Androidユーザーが ReVanced YouTube Extended 、 ReVanced Music Extended や他のGoogle認証が必要なReVancedアプリでスムーズにGoogleアカウントにログインするのを助けるための必須のアプリです。. Bước 2. Download ReVanced Apk from the above ReVanced download button: Step 4. 28. Now, open the app. MicroG tweaked to work for applications such as Vanced. Apr 30, 2024 · ReVanced is a patcher that alters apps, including YouTube, YouTube Music, Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, and more. Install ReVanced. tech / 23 September 2023. revanced. gerekenler 1. Vanced MicroG is a fork/altered version of it adjusted to work with Vanced and inotia00s fork is a fork of Vanced MicroG. Again tap on the Vanced MicroG APK file and click on Install. ReVanced Extended Anddea mod. android. 要するに、mMicroGは、microG Servicesによって公式に提供されているGmsCore Compare. حمِّل ملف microG أولًا وقم بتثبيته (ضروري لتتمكن من تسجيل الدخول لحساب Google). kurulum 1. 10? Acknowledgements. So even further away from the real source of origin. Download ReVanced Extended APK Rooted Device[MicroG] vs Non-Rooted Device[MAGISK] Reddit: 2024. Try to install the MicroG APK file first. Now, Tap on the APK file. edit: it's fixed. Coba instal file APK MicroG terlebih dahulu. forked from YT-Advanced/GmsCore. 7. Langkah 2: Aktifkan sumber yang tidak dikenal dan instal MicroG. Feb 28, 2024 · 7. Fixed a bug where stock microg couldn't be installed together with vanced microg. May 12, 2022 · Its design is parallel to ReVanced but comes with a lighter interface and distinct disparities. Project discontinued on 01/26/2024. 3) Turn on run in background for Microg and YouTube ReVanced Music APKファイル (Extendedエディション)とMicroG APKファイルをダウンロードします。. Tap on the ReVanced APK file and then tap on the Install button. Installed Revanced Eyxtended, v18. Another option to fix the Revanced Extended buffering problem is using VPNs. Para ello, ve a la configuración de tu teléfono y en el apartado Aplicaciones busca estas dos apps para desinstalarlas. Nhấn vào hoàn thành. Download mMicroG from above or GitHub. MicroG Read More » Empowering Your YouTube Experience – ReVanced Extended is dedicated to enhancing your online journey with advanced features, customization, and ad-free viewing. File Size 39 MB. Nếu bạn được yêu cầu bật các nguồn không xác định, chỉ cần bật nó và tiếp tục cài đặt. 1. After patching is complete, proceed to install the app as you normally would. This makes it super easy to log in to your Google account Sep 23, 2023 · MicroG. But when I start the Youtube app (Revanced Extended), the app directs me to Vanced MicroG v0. Langkah 2. Eventually, his project got traction because he found a way to add more features to the ReVanced YouTube app. apk versiyonunu seçin. Since he is no longer maintaining the project, if your ReVanced Extended app stops working you can migrate to ReVanced ReVanced Extended YouTubeで動画が無限にバッファリングされる問題を解決する方法は? 最新のバージョン(18. re-enabled the module after that and it's all working good. 39 MicroG 0. 4. ReVanced MicroG is a fork of MicroG customized for the ReVanced apps since the original Vanced and Vanced MicroG are no longer updated. 6 days ago · Download ReVanced Music Magisk Module from the above section. ステップ3. 前にModule版のYouTube ReVancedを入れる記事を出しましたが、導入した自分の端末での更新はMagiskに任せて他のことを優先したので、記事のメンテナンスが疎かになりパチモンのリンクを貼っ付け ReVanced eXtended YT and YT-M for both root and non-root users. Installing this with the new microg and going to settings revanced extended miscellaneous and enabling "enable video codec" fixed all issues with video playback for me. When prompted to log in, you'll notice a "HUAWEI" option. rvx manager indir ve kur. It is an open-source project which helps users bypass a few activities Download Vanced microg Download Revanced Manager Open your files app and install both Open ReVanced Manager. Step 4: Apply the Patch. Go to Android Settings >> Apps >> Vanced MicroG >> Uninstall. الخطوة 3. It takes your YouTube interactions to a whole new level with functionalities like SponsorBlock, background play, free picture-in-picture (PiP Tải xuống tệp tin APK ReVanced Extended và APK MicroG. 29. 6. Sekarang, instal file APK ReVanced Extended. 👍 4. YouTube ReVanced Extended is one of the most famous apps today. Create Date 22 September 2023. This latest version brings new features and enhancements to boost your overall experience. 27. 08. 13. Open it and sign in with your Google account. ReVanced is an unofficial sequel to Vanced and is not related to Vanced, which aims to provide new features as well as those already seen in Vanced. 8. Ketuk selesai. Dengan versi Extended, Anda bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak fitur yang belum diperkenalkan di proyek resmi. السماح بمصادر غير معروفة أو السماح بخيار Stay tuned for more updates to our ReVanced YouTube Extended by rufusin. WSTxda / MicroG-RE Public archive. 3 days ago · From the update on March 28, 2024, the ReVanced team has changed the default package of MicroG to app. On rooted devices, ReVanced can mount the patched app over the original application. الخطوة 2. Download YouTube ReVanced APK file from the above. fix (YouTube/SponsorBlock): pressing the fine adjustment buttons skips to the end of the video while creating a new SponsorBlock segment inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#1980. Langkah 1: Unduh Revanced Extended dan MicroG dari situs web kami. First I’ll start by saying that I’ve read the guides and found out that all of them tell the user to download the official YouTube 17. Enable protobuf spoof. Community ReVanced Manager 1. Make sure "Vanced MicroG support" is enabled. 16. You can view his announcement regarding the discontinuation in his documentation repository . Once found, click on that video thumbnail and wait until the video begins playing. a magisk module was causing this issue as it was interfering with play services. Go to Settings on your device. Then go back to the previous page. Install Micro G, Vanced Manager. 0. 4 people reacted. Apr 5, 2024 · ReVanced MicroG is an Android application which caters to users who want to use and log in to YouTube ReVanced, YT Music, and others. Org | All Rights Reserved Skip to content Get the APK file by clicking on the download link provided below. 1. 1 Patches added: Alternative thumbnails, Ambient mode switch, Append time stamps Step 1. I signed in to Google account with microG Settings. Install Microg for non-root YouTube and YT Music APKs Use zygisk-detach to detach root ReVanced YouTube and YT Music from Play Store. Vanced MicroG 0. Step 4. To enable this, you can follow the steps given below. Tap on the Install from Storage option. Jul 19, 2023 · ReVanced MicroG Apk v0. Setelah masuk ke ReVanced Extended, Anda akan memiliki akses ke semua saluran langganan dan video yang disukai dari akun YouTube Anda. Now, go to the file manager and search for the downloaded APK file. Now, Tap on the MicroG APK file and allow this source option. Or download and install latest pre-built version of ReVanced YouTube Extended and MicroG, then you can use ReVanced MicroG is an open-source module that provides Google services support for apps like YouTube Vanced. 2) Go in settings of your mobile in battery optimisation settings switch to don’t optimize microg and YouTube. It receives more You signed in with another tab or window. 2. fix (YouTube/Return YouTube Dislike): wrong video id is used in shorts inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#1987. Customization options: YouTube ReVanced Extended offers a Bước1. bu kadar. Open Vanced manager, go to patches, select an app. 52 May 9, 2023 · microg ve rvx manager telefonunuza kurduktan sonra rvx manager üzerinden youtube'u yüklüyorsunuz. gms. Dec 5, 2023 · Go to the App Info of YT ReVanced Extended > Set as default > Open supported links, On. Use VPNs. 36. Tải xuống tập tin ReVanced Music APK (Extended Edition) và tập tin MicroG APK. Download 32125. - NoName-exe/revanced-extended Non-root versions of YouTube and YouTube-Music require MicroG to GitHub - WSTxda/MicroG-RE: GmsCore fork for ReVanced with Material You, features and improvements. Download ReVanced APK File. Inotia00 developed the APK of YouTube ReVanced Extended. Or download and install latest pre-built version of ReVanced YouTube Music Extended and MicroG, then you can use 6 days ago · Download the MicroG APK file first. Bây giờ, bạn hãy cài đặt tệp APK ReVanced Extended. PiP (Picture-in-Picture) mode: This feature allows you to watch videos in a small window while using other apps. 2. © 2024 ExtendedReVanced. MicroG memungkinkan Anda untuk masuk dengan akun Google di dalam aplikasi, memfasilitasi koneksi akun YouTube Anda ke ReVanced Extended. 02. Buka Android Settings >> Apps >> Vanced MicroG >> Uninstall. Now, launch the Revanced Extended app and then search for the video you want to download. The installation process is very easy, just like you used to install other apps. إذا كنت تريد Download the ReVanced Extended APK file and MicroG APK file. 231657 Download For Android July 19, 2023 by Inotia00 ReVanced MicroG is a must-have application for YouTube ReVanced users if they want to set up the app hassle-free. 38, and microg, v0. It will open your phone’s storage. If you are asked to enable unknown sources, just enable it and continue the installation. Izinkan sumber tidak dikenal atau opsi Vanced MicroG is the MicroG that was maintained by the VancedTeam ReVanced-GmsCore is the MicroG/GmsCore that is maintained by ReVanced team with minimal changes to upstrean Reply reply Vanced MicroG is an open-source component that adds standard Google services for modified apps like YouTube Vanced and ReVanced. 33. microg indir ve kur. 4 days ago · The simplest way is to download Community ReVanced Manager and use it to install, manage, and update other ReVanced applications with user-friendly features designed for non-technical users. iTube. Bước 3: Bây giờ hãy cài đặt ReVanced Extended để tận hưởng tất cả các tính năng cao cấp của YouTube. You can see the same in the following image. Tap on it and allow unknown sources or allow this source option. rvx manager aç 2. Assets 3. You signed out in another tab or window. Hopefully one of these will work for you. It allows you to subscribe to channels, create playlists, view history, and more. YouTube++. Ad-blocking: The modded app blocks all types of ads, including video and banner ads, providing a smoother and more enjoyable viewing experience. Finally, Tap on “ Done “. File Count 1. 18. fix (YouTube/Video playback): default video quality applies even when The official subreddit for the ReVanced Extended project, a derivative project of r/revancedapp. youtube v18. Vanced microG is a fork of the original microG GmsCore. 10 Comments / By revanced. Do not leave the app or it may cancel Facing major issues with Revanced Extended. Reason? It provides you with so many cool features. 2 Comments / By revanced. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Step 2. 230755, a couple of months back and it worked great. 14-204216. Langkah 3: Sekarang instal ReVanced Extended untuk menikmati semua fitur premium YouTube. Reload to refresh your session. Nếu hệ thống Android thông báo kích hoạt yêu cầu không rõ nguồn gốc, bạn chỉ cần kích hoạt, sau đó tiếp tục cài đặt. Mar 31, 2024 · Step 3. YouTube and YouTube Music, in particular, demand a subscription to access premium features that remove basic options such as ads and include other Apr 5, 2024 · Step 1. x will no longer be usable and a new installation of MicroG will be required from ReVanced YouTube v19. Langkah 1. Last update: 2024 May 12 ReVanced Extended APKファイルとMicroG APKファイルをダウンロードする。. Version 19. It’s beneficial for multitasking. The official subreddit for the ReVanced Extended project, a derivative project of r/revancedapp. revanced-magisk-module. اضغط على ملف APK. 30. 実行をタップする。. 4. Our Score. Create Date 23 September 2023. Download the Latest APK file from this page. YouTube ReVanced. ダウンロードフォルダに行き、MicroG APKファイルをタップします。. It has the potential to replace the former tool as it contains improved features and functionalities. Essential: MicroG (Important: Install this application prior to Revanced Extended App installation) Bước 1: Tải xuống Revanced Extended và MicroG từ trang web của chúng tôi. Now, Tap on Modules, which is at the bottom right of the screen. The app comes with all the YT Premium features. ReVanced MicroG is a fork of the original MicroG, designed to work with ReVanced apps. It is created and optimized Mar 31, 2024 · Ten en cuenta que tanto ReVanced Extended como MicroG son proyectos de código libre que no tienen ningún tipo de malware, pero cualquiera puede usarlos para crear un APK que oculte un virus. After the installation is complete, tap on the Open button to launch the app. 1 , Exynos. Tap “Supported web addresses Mar 26, 2024 · YouTube ReVanced v19. Langkah 5. The further away from upstream the more it differs from it. 205. See FaQ for info. Buka dan masuk dengan akun Google Anda. Bước3. 9. 220. disabled the magisk module, rebooted, tried to sign in on MicroG and it worked. Now, click on the ‘ Download ’ icon located at the bottom of the screen. الخطوة 1. - Releases · TeamVanced/VancedMicroG. Wait for the installation process to complete. This will allow you to shift to a different server location and hopefully resolve the issue. This issue is not a duplicate of an existing question. It grants you all the desired features for free that you thought you would only get by switching to YouTube Premium. Select ReVanced Extended. MicroG ให้บริการ Google แก่ Vanced และ ReVanced โดยไม่ต้องติดตั้งแอปและเฟรมเวิร์ก Google เต็มรูปแบบ 3 days ago · 1)open Microg new > Self check> Scroll at bottom and turn on battery optimisation ignore. Allow unknown sources or Allow this source option. Mar 16, 2024 · You signed in with another tab or window. YouTube ReVanced is a free customized YouTube client that serves to replace the discontinued YouTube Vanced by providing users with similar app features and other extra modes. io», que distribuyen APK ya parcheados de ReVanced Extended, no son oficiales y nadie puede Edit: this only worked temporarily, I learned revanced and revanced extended are now abandoned and replaced by ReX youtube apk. Check for the suggested version of youtube (patcher -> select application,, then find youtube and check for the currently suggested version) Langkah 2. cx in uv cq tw bu ib cc ka ec